I looked at him coolly as more of my soldiers entered the command deck, spreading out around us in a half-circle.

“Do you think I would have left you alive if that was my plan, father?” Ice flowed in my words but heat was amping up in my temples. My fangs were elongating as he strode closer to me, his fangs fully extended, fists clenching and unclenching at his waist, ready to punch someone – and I was the closest target.

“Why, then? What happened? Was this a mission from one of the other Commanders? Who wasn’t present at your wedding? Who stands to benefit from this other than you?”

It occurred to me that he hadn’t yet even thought of the possibility that a mere human had caused all of this harm to his undefeatable empire. Jasmine was safe, for the moment, due to his outright disrespect for her race.

As long as she didn’t say anything, maybe I could push aside the need to make a decision a little longer…

In that same moment, Jasmine stepped toward Kressel as Tulla stayed close to her side.

“It was me, oh Highest Supreme Entity. It was the Earthling Resistance that you so despise.”

Kressel stared at her as if he had been slapped. There were no more tears in her eyes, no shaking in her hands. She stood before him, blaster lowered but ready to raise.

My father looked from Jasmine to me with disbelief. “Is this true, Braxl? You let thisnothingcause this destruction?”

I just stared back at him squarely.

“I don’t believe it.” His chest heaved as he stared at Jasmine, and his hand hovered toward his own blaster. Then he swung his gaze back to me. “I find it even harder to believe that if this is true, you didn’t know it, you sneaky filth of a son. You traitor, you maggot, you waste of space and discredit to your race!”

I stood solid and took his rage. It wasn’t the first time he had thrown such insults my way. In that moment, I couldn’t entirely blame him.

In truth, I wasn’t blameless. How had I not suspected anything after finding the blaster in Jasmine’s quarters? How had I not confronted her?

Had I wanted this to happen?

How did I know she wouldn’t take me down with it, as she had professed her original plan to be?

Jasmine looked at me briefly, and the gushing of trust in her eyes was undeniable. It hit my heart and my gut and made me smile.

That was why.

She was the challenge I had never expected to meet, the surprise I had never thought I would realize, the partner I never thought I would have.

My father roared as he caught our glance. “Traitor!” His blaster was in his hand with a swift pull. Tulla stepped in between Jasmine as protection, as she had caught the look between us, too.

I stepped closer to my father, grabbing his hand that held the blaster. He glared at me and gnashed his fangs as I forced the barrel downward.

“I am the Commander of this ship, and I am the new Highest Supreme Entity of the Prexis Empire. You have no authority here.”

My father’s eyes flashed with his disbelief. He tried to force the blaster back up, grabbing my shoulder with his other, meaty hand and trying to shove me away, but I held tight.

I was younger, fitter, stronger. I fought more often in the fields with my troops. I trained harder. My body bled for my soldiers. My brain bartered for better standing for them all. My heart was wiser and more dedicated. I was a better leader. I deserved this.

At the same time, I couldn’t believe I was actually standing up and taking it.

“You wouldn’t dare…” Kressel seethed through grit teeth, face flushed, anger coursing through the veins on his forehead.

“It is done. Release the blaster, and we can discuss the conditions of your retirement.”

Kressel’s eyes flicked around the room. My soldiers had blasters trained on him. The one crewman who had come with him had already been forced to his knees, hands behind his head. Kressel glared at Jasmine, where she peeked out from behind Tulla, then he looked back at me.

The strength in my father’s arms was waning as I gripped his fist tighter and tighter, loosening his hold on the blaster.

“You will never be able to trust her,” he hissed. “You don’t have what it takes to be a leader of this empire. You’re not ruthless enough. You will be taken down faster than those shuttles blew up.” He laughed and it was bitter. “I knew you were never worthy of being my son.”

I cranked down hard on his wrist, and he grunted in pain. The blaster fell to the floor. Tulla swooped down and picked it up.