The reception was likely to last another hour, I hoped. Then people would head to their shuttles to return to their chambers on their own ships.

I needed to be precise. I needed to be quick.

This was what I had come here for.

I looked at Braxl one more time as I opened the door. He was beautiful. He was righteous. He was a noble leader.

And yet, I couldn’t think of any way to spare him without violating my mission.

I wasn’t going to be spared either, and that was something I needed to remember. I had committed to a mission of total destruction.

What if I talked to him? What if I told him the plan? He clearly is a better leader for this army, and he might just be on board with taking out his father and the old guard… What if I just told him?

I shook my head, the hole in my gut getting deeper.I can’t risk it… No matter how fond of him I have become. I have to be strong. Resistance Strong.

At least my last night alive had been a nice one. Maybe wedding days, even at the hands of a subverted auction, could really be the best day of someone’s life.

I slipped out the door into the hallway. I jogged as I ran through the corridor in the dim overhead lighting. I needed to be quick before the festivities ended.

It was time to light the fireworks.



The whirlwind of colors and lights that surrounded us during our intimate moment gradually receded as I blinked my eyes open. I felt tranquility in my chest, a feeling I hadn’t experienced in years. I instinctively reached out to pull my bride closer, only to jolt upright when my hands met nothing but air.

Jasmine was gone.

I licked my lips and drew in a deep breath, my thoughts racing. My gaze darted towards the bathroom, the door standing open and empty. She wasn’t there. Our clothes were still scattered across the floor, and the lights in her quarters were dimmed. There was no sign of movement, just a stark, unsettling silence. I was achingly alone.

I knew I had to check for the blaster.

But the truth was, I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

I let out a frustrated groan as I rolled to the edge of the bed where Jasmine had managed to hide the blaster. The sense of calm that had settled in me was gone, replaced by a prickling sense of hyper-awareness, a sign that I might be in danger.

If I didn’t open it, I could pretend not to know. I wouldn’t have to take any action. I wouldn’t have to issue a ship-wide alert to apprehend her.

I would be able to rest in this bliss. The warmth in my body, the surprising warmth in my heart…

But if the blaster was indeed gone, along with my new bride, how could I ignore it?

Come on, Braxl,I admonished myself.You’re a Commander in the Prexis Prime. Just open the damn drawer.

So I did. My heart sank.

The blaster was nowhere to be found.

I let loose a long string of curse words in Krafina as I flung myself back onto the bed.

There were no alarms ringing in the ship. No sign that she had caused problems—yet.

I stole a glance at the clock on the wall. Just over an hour had slipped by since Jasmine and I sneaked away from the wedding bash to have our private celebration. An hour filled with laughter, love, and a sleep deeper than I’d had in ages.

But that couldn’t excuse me from my responsibilities.

With a reluctant sigh, I pulled myself upright and gathered my clothes. Each piece I put on felt like a heavy omen, especially when I fastened my own blaster to my hip. What was she up to?