“If you go back out there to get someone, I will surely hide it somewhere else, and no one will believe you. You better take it with you.”

Vishin fumbled forward, trying to grab at his gun to aim it at me, while he also bent down toward the bench. And there was his error. He was no warrior, not used to doing too many things requiring dexterity.

As he bent low, not perceiving me as a threat, I swung out the crowbar, laying it across his arm, splintering his bones, knocking the gun away. I crouched down as he squealed, grabbed the gun, spun to the supply closet door, and whipped it closed. In the same movement, I slashed downward with the crowbar across his neck from behind, reeling him to the ground.

I came down behind him, kneeling into his back as he sprawled to the ground, mewling. He grasped at the floor and the bench legs, trying to rear back up, struggling to scream, boots begging for purchase against anything. I held steady and thrust the blaster to his temple. I pulled the trigger.

The supply closet glowed brilliantly as the blaster’s coil flared. The skin sizzled, and Vishin’s head melted. His body slumped.

I sat over Vishin for a long moment, calming my breathing, aiming the blaster at the door, in case, listening for any sound in the hallway. After a few moments, I heard footsteps walking steadily, evenly down the hall, passing by without stopping.

Our scuffle had been unnoticed.

I breathed out deeply and stood.

I set the blaster down on the bench. The coil’s brilliant glow and the smoke of scorched flesh had faded.

I bit my bottom lip and looked at Vishin for a moment.

There was no other option. He would have been suspicious of the bench, found the munitions, and ratted me out to Braxl.

This was for the mission.

I hefted the crowbar up and peeled back another metal sheeting panel.

It took longer than I liked to shove him into the gaping hole in the ship’s side, but I was grateful he was a rather small Krafina. Hoisting him around was what took a while. I had to be careful not to grunt too much for fear of being caught in the act. It was a little tricky to do while holding the blaster, and shooting it out with whoever might discover me was not the best option.

I would have to figure out how to properly dispose of the body. An incinerator, maybe. I didn’t have access to any of the airlocks. Besides, spacing him might be suspect. There were too many ships just floating around theGloryDaze. The chances of him being seen floating were surprisingly high—for as vast as space typically was, it was condensed due to the wedding and the shuffling of shuttles to and fro.

The kitchen had incinerators. I had been asking Braxl about getting more familiar with the ship. Maybe I could speak with him about overseeing some of the wedding tasks, like the meal planning? If I could get Vishin’s body into the kitchen, I could burn him with the daily waste.

I patted the panel closed and took a few moments to wipe away the sweat and calm my breathing.

“Welp, one down…” That wasn’t how any of the Krafinas were supposed to be killed, but Vishin was a Commander and definitely on the list to die. I shrugged, the spiking of adrenaline fading and leaving behind an overwhelming fatigue.

I would have to break radio silence and call home. I needed to let them know the mission had met an obstacle and I’d resolved it, but it might cause a hiccup moving forward. Obviously, Vishin would be missed. People would wonder where he was.

And if his body was found before I disposed of him…

I shook my head.

Onward. I have to continue onward. Resistance Strong.

I looked at the blaster. I was pleased to have a weapon now. It would tuck into the workman’s coveralls I was wearing right now, but I wasn’t sure I could keep it hidden in my assigned chambers. I didn’t know if they were doing regular scans of my area. If they were smart, they would be.

I needed to find a separate place to hide the blaster. It might come in handy at some other point.

Either that, or I would need to start wearing less sexy dresses.

I grinned and thought of how Braxl’s eyes seemed to be getting hungrier as he watched me move around the ship. I doubted that was going to be the solution.

I took one last long breath before leaving behind the supply closet with the dead Krafina Commander and the hidden bombs.

My plan was well on its way.

Now to get more access so that I could kill more aliens.

I had more bodies to pile up.