If he ever ended up spending more time with me.

I stood up to leave, saluting Tulla as I left the training room. The Commander, my fiancé, seemed to be having fun sparring with me. I didn’t know if it was the mention of risks and rewards or if I had unwittingly touched on a sensitive place in his brain when I spoke about conquering planets. From the Resistance Files, I knew that Braxl had led his campaigns in the Prexis Empire. He was a beloved leader, rampaging through systems, taking down more minor planets, and reaping the rewards. Though, if I remember correctly, he was less cutthroat than his father. Which wasn’t saying much.

Could there be a division I could exploit there? He seemed to hint at wanting something different than his father, but an empire greater than his father could just mean in expanse and depth, not moral philosophy.

I had a critical mission: to regain human autonomy by landing a blow against the feet on our necks.

If Braxl wasn’t my target, then someone near to him would be.

The image of multiple flight paths detailing spaceships headed in the same direction we were crossed my mind. If my Resistance cell’s plan went well, there were several options to target.

It would mean breaking into a console that had access to that schematic or just accessing it when I had seduced my way into Braxl’s chamber some other time.

I need to amp up the seduction.

I rolled my shoulders and paused in my walk back toward my chambers. The heat coming from Braxl was real. The way he had smiled at my movements, the way he had clearly appreciated my ability to spar, the way I had impressed him… I was getting through to him. I could see it. I didn’t know why he had left so abruptly, but I could also take this as a win.

Any heat I had felt rising in my chest was feigned, of course. It was just part of my role as my cover. The purchased bride who was doing her job to find a way to please her fiancé.

There was no chance it was anything more than that.

I threw my boxing gloves into my rather luxurious chambers and then flashed the door closed again.

There is nothing more than that for me.

He is just a mission target.

I headed toward the cafeteria, my stomach rumbling. As I entered the simple, clean-cut space of the utilitarian mess hall, the chatter of the crew eating their after-shift meals quieted. They looked up at me. I was still in my sweaty workout clothes, but I knew well how to exude confidence and calm, no matter what I wore.

A few people moved away from me as I gathered a disposable platter of the night’s food. I sat at a table by myself and eyed the crew around me. They sent me scattered, scared, or appraising glances.

What did they fear? That they might say something that would get them in trouble with their beloved boss?

Did they view me as an intruder in their space?

Some of them showed open hostility. Some of them curiosity.

I was almost through with my meal and green tea when a Krafina sat down. She looked at me with open, friendly eyes.

“My name’s Cheecha. You’re welcome here.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you. This is my first time on a spaceship.”

“No offense, but that’s pretty obvious.”

I laughed. “How do you mean?”

“It’s the way you walk. In the mag boots, I mean. I’ll teach you the trick.” Cheecha pointed down to the magnetic boots that helped keep us all grounded when clicked on to enable people to not just float in the zero gravity environment. “You look like you’ve never worn them before.”

“This is true. I’d appreciate any tips.”

“No problem.” Cheecha continued to look at me, boldly analyzing everything about me. “What’s it like being engaged to the Commander?”

Ahh…So, was it jealousy in the eyes of the crew? Protection of their leader? That I should be more deserving? That I hadn’t yet proved myself?

“Well… I don’t really know yet. It is so new. I’m just grateful that I am up here in space. I am really looking forward to my new life.” I tried to gauge which side of all my questions Cheecha was on. Would she be a friend? “What’s he like? What is Braxl— ” Cheecha stiffened. “The Commander… What is he like?”

Cheecha smiled and sat up straighter as if just speaking about him made her proud to be one of his soldiers. “It is the greatest honor of my life to serve him and to serve the Prexis Empire. You should see Braxl on the battlefield. Not just the decisions he makes up here in space, but when we have to land and battle? He is very smart. Brilliant, in fact.” Cheecha said it as if she was expecting me to not believe her. Or maybe as if she thought I might be trying to trick him?