She danced back and forth, bobbing from one foot to the other, grinning at me. “Come on,Commander, let’s see what you got.”

Tulla looked anxiously from me to Jasmine. It was as if the trainer wasn’t sure how I would react to someone so much smaller than me challenging me into the ring.

She was right: I didn’t know how to react to it.

But, it made me curious.

I was finding that this human woman was doing that a lot…

I swung under the ropes and finished putting my gloves on. Jasmine stopped bouncing and licked her lips. Tulla bowed to me again and slipped out of the ring.

“All right, human—”


Ah, yes… She is always reminding me.

"Alright." I raised my fists, giving her a playful warning. She stepped forward. "Be gentle with me," I teased, winking at her. She tapped my gloves, then swiftly dropped low, swinging her foot to catch me just above the ankles. Before I knew it, I was on the mat, sitting on my rear.

Tulla let out a surprised yelp, her hand flying to cover her mouth. She seemed just as taken aback by what had transpired as by her own uncharacteristic reaction. I glanced over at my trainer, then back at Jasmine as I climbed back to my feet.

Jasmine was bouncing on her toes again, grinning, poised for my counterattack.

"Sneaky," I remarked, then lunged, throwing two quick rights at her head. She easily dodged them, setting me up for a left hook that only grazed her shoulder as she spun away. She retreated, but I followed just as swiftly. I had a considerable height and reach advantage over her, outweighing her by a good margin.

Yet, she was fast.

Surprisingly fast.

Her hands darted in, nearly connecting with my jaw as I skillfully evaded. Her black eyes sparkled, flecks of gold gleaming back at me.

She's quite remarkable.

Then she delivered a solid blow to my midsection, making me grunt.

Damn. Why is she able to land hits on me? Am I out of practice?

Then it struck me: This was actually fun.

I glanced toward Tulla, finding the trainer looking at me with an amused smile.

Jasmine spun, aiming a kick toward my head. I caught her ankle and smoothly maneuvered her through the air, so she spun up, around, then down towards the mat. She cushioned her landing, swiftly retracting her foot and scrambling back up, undeterred.

She's got some moves.

What exactly does a physical trainer do again?

Damn, her ass sure looks nice spinning through the air.

She darted in with a quick set of jabs, landing one against my shoulder that sent me staggering back. Before I could recover, I swung around, connecting with her block hard enough to make her stumble. Her hair framed her face, tied back in a ponytail, but long enough that loose strands curled around her features.


I couldn't help but grin, realizing I was having more fun than I'd anticipated.

Stop being distracted!

By the time I circled back, I was actually breathing pretty heavily. She shook her head to clear it after the last blow I'd landed had rattled her.