Page 76 of Discovering Damon

He holds up another bag. “Wine. I got reinforcements. To survive the sadness.”

I let out a choked laugh. “Jesus, I thought you’d left for San Diego.”

Damon stares at me and then shrugs. “I thought about it, but it didn’t feel right to leave without talking to you. I wanted to get my head on straight before I marched over and demanded we discuss this.”

“By drinking wine?” I ask, arching an eyebrow.

Damon rolls his eyes. “Of course. Everything is better with wine. I’ve told you this.”

“You have.”

We stare at each other, and I fling my hand out toward my house. “Want to come to my place and we can talk?”

Damon chews on his bottom lip and then nods. “Fine. Yes. We should definitely talk.”

I shuffle the bags in my hands and we walk in silence back to my place, the wine bottles clinking noisily.

“How much wine were you going to drink?”

“All of it,” Damon says. “I was going to get roaring drunk, declare my love to you, and then hope you’d fuck me into tomorrow.”

Another laugh bubbles out of me, and I shake my head at this ridiculous man.

“I’d never fuck you if you were drunk.”

“You absolutely should fuck me when I’m drunk. I’d never say no to you. I’m free use, Tomas. You can take me whenever you want.”

The thought of it makes my cock harden, but I refuse to go down that horny road until we’ve spoken.

“First, we need to talk,” I say and Damon bobs his head, the two of us entering my house and setting the bags on the counter. Damon fiddles with the stuff inside, pulling it out and setting it on the counter while I work on opening the wine and pouring us each a small glass. I want us to be coherent for this, for our conversation to actually make sense.

When we are finally seated, I meet his stare and he meets mine. Neither of us speaks first. It’s an awkward staring match until finally Damon sighs, rolling his eyes.

“Fine. I’ll go first. I’m upset that you didn’t tell menotto collaborate with Leo.”

I’m not totally surprised by that, if I’m honest. I thought I saw him pleading with me to say something, but I was too numb. Too afraid of ruining what we have. “I don’t ever want to tell you what to do. It’s your job, your career. I knew that going in.” The heaviness is weighing on my chest, thinking about the reality.

“Yes, but you don’t like the idea of me fucking someone else, even if it’s for work. Right?”

I shift on my seat and take a sip of wine. What do I tell him? The truth? Fuck, I don’t want him to make these changes for me. I don’t know if I’m worth it.

It’s like he knows what I’m thinking, and he’s not holding back. God, I love that about him. “Tell me the truth, Tomas. Or so help me god, I will be so mad.”

I set my wine glass down a little too quickly. “Honestly, yes, it bothers me. Of course it bothers me. I’m not a violent man, but the thought of anyone touching you makes me want to rip off appendages. I can’t think straight. I can’t breathe. I just….”

I stop when I see his face—a sort of calmness there. Damon lets out a relieved sigh. “Oh good because honestly, it bothers me too.”

Those words make my entire body light up, and I meet his soft stare.

“I don’t want to fuck anyone else now that I’ve been with you. For some reason, it’s different with you, and the thought of collaborating just makes my skin crawl. Which is weird for me because I do love my job. Or at least I did.”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and continue to watch him.

“What is this to you, Tomas? I need to know before I do drastic things with my life.”

I clear my throat and then reach out, grabbing on to his soft hand. His skin is just unbelievable. I want those fingers running across my chest, my arms, my cock all the fucking time.

I love you.I think it but I’m not sure if now is the right time to say it. Maybe a couple more dates first.