Page 39 of Discovering Damon

“But I’m concerned about you…. Are you okay?” Damon asks, and I shake my head, feeling my eyes sting. Now that the fog of lust has dissipated, I feel slightly ashamed. I don’t even know if he wanted me to do that, and yet I did it anyways.

“Oh, don’t worry about me. That was superhot. I’m worried about you. Are you processing it?”

I open my mouth and then close it before opening it once more. Nothing comes out.

“Okay, alright. Come here,” he says, grabbing on to my hand and pulling me out into the hallway. The dogs are all sitting there waiting for us and Damon shoos them away, not that they listen. They trot after us as we make our way to the couch and sink onto it.

We’re sitting far apart and for some reason I feel distraught over it. He must read it on my face because he opens his legs and pats the space right between his thighs.

“Come here. Let me hold you and we can talk.”

“I’m a man. We don’t hold each other.”

“Pfft,” he says, rolling his eyes, and then he points to the space between his thighs once more and says, “Come.”

I obey like the dog I am and crawl between his legs, resting my head against his shoulder and letting him place his hands around my chest. They settle right over my heart, and I’m sure he can feel the unsteady thump of it.

“Now, tell me what happened and what you’re feeling,” he says, and I just let my mind churn those questions until I have an answer.

“I’m not sure what happened. I was watching you and I just…I was overcome.”

“And so you came over and fucked me with a dildo,” he says, teasing me slightly.

Oh hell. I run a hand down my face and sigh. “I guess I did.”

His hands rub circles on my chest, and I feel myself melting into his touch. I like it a lot, like being held.

“Well, it was a surprise, but I liked it, like I said. I’d never say no to you doing that again, but…” I hold my breath. “It probably shouldn’t happen again. I don’t want to end up hurt at the end. Especially with you not knowing what you want.”

I nod and then swallow, my throat parched. Even so, my dick is hard once more. Just being near him gets me all riled up, but if he doesn’t want to do it again, I have to respect that. I can respect him.

“Are you okay? Your first time with a guy…”

“Just reeling a bit, but I’m fine.”

I’m not quite sure I am, but I feel good in this moment. I don’t want him to stop holding me. Just hold on a little longer, Damon. Make it all okay.

“Well, alright, but you let me know if you need to process it. I’ll be here to listen to anything you’re thinking.”

“Yeah, okay,” I say and then sink into him further. He lets me too, just holds on, running his hands up my chest and neck and into my hair, making my eyes droop and my entire body light up in flames. My cock is aching now, not just merely hard, but leaking. I think I’ve developed a condition.

A Damon condition.

The air suddenly becomes thick and my breath comes out raspy and harsh. Damon’s are doing the same thing, his touches lingering longer, more sensual.

Everything about him screams sex. I should have known I was in trouble the minute I laid eyes on him.

But he said he can’t do that again, so I won’t.

I won’t make any more moves, and I certainly won’t show up in his room during a live show and fuck him with a knotted dildo.

The thought of it makes a groan slip through my lips and Damon shifts beneath me, his hand sliding across my chest and rubbing over my sensitive nipples.

“We really shouldn’t do anything again,” he whispers, and I nod, leaning up and trying to move away, but Damon holds on, keeping me in place.

“I don’t want to be hurt,” he tells me again, his words on repeat.

“And I don’t want to hurt you either.”