Page 36 of Discovering Damon

“What are your plans for tonight? Want to hang out again when I’m done filming?”

Tomas flushes and then bobs his head once. “Yeah. We can do that.”

“Awesome,” I say, sliding off the hood of his car and packing up the cooler. “Well, then let’s go. I have some prep work I need to do and you, Mr. Mechanic Man, need to get ready for another amazing night of movies. I’m thinking a gay romance. Really give you the feels.”

Tomas smiles at me, those fucking crooked teeth flashing, and I melt into a puddle of goo. It doesn’t help that he opens the car door for me again, or walks me up to my front porch once more like a gentleman. He’s doing all the right things, and I want to do all the bad things to him.

Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, I disappear into the house and lean down to pet the overexcited doggos. One has a piece of paper stuck to his lip, and I sigh.

“Do not tell me you went through another trashcan,” I groan. “I don’t have time for this.”

They all pant and whine as I go in search of the mess they inevitably made. But my mind keeps filtering back to Tomas, to the way he held me earlier, the way he smiled at me.

I kneel down and pick up the torn tissue from the bathroom floor. God, I hope he watches me tonight. I hope he watches it and likes what he sees.



Damon gave zero fucks that I watched his live show, and I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s different. And I mean that in the best possible way. He doesn’t let normal things bother him. Social standards don’t seem to be a thing for him.

I have to admit, it’s refreshing, even though I thought for sure I was going to burst into flames when I admitted I had watched him.

I should have known he wouldn’t have been bothered by it. He seemed intrigued more than anything. Definitely not horrified. Most people would have been melted onto the floor.

I am so goddamn embarrassing. My parents should be ashamed of me.

Yet, here I am again, sitting at my computer on the same website. Damon has a busy evening ahead. He texted me to remind me to give him pointers. If I watched.


I’m fucking watching. Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.

And to be honest, I’m watching in a totally platonic manner. This is nothing more than a business transaction.

And yet despite telling myself that, for several minutes I stare at my computer, not logging in. I’m not really going to watch him again.

But the logical part of my brain is arguing that my credit card was already charged for this month and he wouldn’t want me to waste it. He’s thoughtful like that.

In the end, I’m just a friend watching another friend do his job. It’s not weird. And that is exactly what he is. My friend.

Damn, but I like him. I like just hanging out on the couch with him, just spending time eating that bougie cheese board he brought with him on the hike. To be fair, I’d never had that kind of cheese. Apparently, I should veer off from just American and cheddar. Who knew there were others out there? Might make me pathetic, but I never was that adventurous.

Maybe I should take a cue from Damon and just go with it.

When have I ever done that in my life? Most would probably call me a little uptight, unwilling to change, set in my ways. Old school. Maybe I needed this more than I know. Something to pull me out of my comfort zone. Seems that’s all I’ve been doing since he ran over to my place with that short silk robe and his lips all puffy and painted pink.

Without overthinking it too much, I click the join button and instantly see Damon on the screen. He’s only wearing the tiniest silky orange briefs which hug his package and show off the round globes of his ass.

His bright smile lights up the screen, “Well hello, my lovely people! Are you ready for me tonight?” He looks down at his bare chest, dragging his hand between his pecs to his belly button. “I decided not to wear much. I’m just super horny already and knew I couldn’t wait.” He bites on his bottom lip in a teasing way, making blood rush to my cock.

Why the hell did I wear jeans?

Sweatpants from now on when I’m watching Damon.

What the hell am I saying? There won’t be a next time. This is the last time I do this.

The absolute last. I’ll give him my pointers and that will be that. There won’t be a reason to watch him again after this.