Page 34 of Discovering Damon

Life couldn’t get any better than this.

When we finally arrive at the overlook, we get out, and Tomas eyes my cooler.

“I’d suggest a hike, but you aren’t wearing the shoes for it.”

I glance down at my painted toenails sticking out of my flip-flops and sigh. “Why didn’t you say anything? You said a cruise. I didn’t think I’d need to break out the dad shoes.”

Tomas laughs.

“It’s no big deal. Really, we can just chill here and eat what you brought.”

“Nooo. I’m sure it’s fine. We can do a mini hike and then come back and snack. Best of both worlds, yes?”

Tomas looks wary, not believing I can hike in these flip-flops, but he doesn’t know the power of these things. They’re sturdy and can withstand a lot. I once wore them while getting railed by four guys. They stayed on the entire time.

“Trust me,” I say, grabbing on to his hand and tugging him toward the narrow trailhead. “Let’s go.”

His fingers curl around mine as I pull him forward and we enter the path, the warm autumn air hitting my overheated skin. I probably shouldn’t hold his hand, but I’m doing it anyway, and he’s not letting go. He just seems to hold on tighter. When we finally do part ways, my hand feels lonely, and I want nothing more than to reach out and link my fingers with his once more, but I don’t. We just hike, me oohing and aahing over the scenery, and Tomas being silent as usual.

He doesn’t say much, but I like it. I like how quiet he is. There is a certain mystery to it, a certain unknown. I like to be kept guessing.

“Do you ever wonder what would happen if you were hiking out here alone and a fire erupted?”

Tomas pauses, and I glance over at him, watching as his brows furrow. “Are you serious? That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Burning to death?”

“I mean, I didn’t say anything about combustion, butnowI’m thinking of it. I mean, fall in California is basically fire season.”

Tomas shakes his head, chuckling. “You have an interesting mind.”

“Men love it,” I say saucily and continue hiking, that is until I stub my toe on a rock and howl at the injustice.

“Well shit,” Tomas mutters as he looks down at my bloody toenail.

“Damn, but this pedicure cost a lot of money and now it’s ruined,” I huff.

“I’m worried you hurt more than your toe.”

“I didn’t. I’m fine,” I say, moving forward with a wince. “I can take a nine-inch cock no problem, a stubbed toe is child’s play.”

Tomas chokes at that and then grabs on to me, stopping me from moving forward.

“Come on, let’s turn back. You need some wine and a bandage.”

I huff and protest, but I wouldn’t mind some TLC and honestly, cheese sounds good right about now. Cheese makes everything better.

“Fine, but only because you’re insisting. I could go another ten miles.”

“Not in those flip flops. Maybe another time,” he says and then grabs on to my hand and doesn’t let go until we’re back at his car. I love it, the feel of his rough palm against mine, love feeling how warm and strong he is. Women are so damn lucky to have someone like this at their disposal. I, however, do not. I have to settle for having him in my dreams.

When he finally lets go and helps me sit on the hood of his car, I feel the loss of his touch deep within me.

I want more, and yet, I know I can’t go there. That’s not what this is. I’ve learned the hard way. Learned it over and over. Straight guys who are curious never ever go to the other side. They never end up with me.

“Here,” Tomas says, hunching down and pulling my flip-flop off, taking a good look at my bruised toe. He wipes it clean with some wipes and then wraps a bandage around it. And the entire time, I try not to swoon at how gentlemanly this is. Thank god I have my cooler to keep me distracted. He hands it to me once he’s done patching me up, and I spend my time pulling out cheese and grapes, meats and crackers, and uncorking the wine. Anything to keep my hands busy and not reaching out toward him.

And in the late morning sun, we smile at each other, our bellies growing full as we sit in silence, the desert hills all around us. For the first time in a long time, I’m content. I honestly don’t feel like going home and filming my solo shoot.

I could sit with Tomas for a lifetime, I think and then reject the thought.