Page 12 of Discovering Damon

But I’m not arguing about it and am happy to be anywhere in his vicinity. He intrigues me. And his gorgeous face and body are not hard to look at.

No, not a problem in the least.

“Of course. I’d love to hang out, but I do have some work later on…”

His cheeks flush a bit and he nods. “Yeah. Of course.”

“But it’s not important. Shower and then come on over. We can sit outside on the porch like an old married couple and let the dogs roam.”

He nods and I, once again, watch his ass saunter back to his house. A fine ass indeed. I’d very much like to peel those pants off and take a nice long look at it.

“Come on, you mutts,” I say and the dogs zoom past me, nearly knocking me over once more. I sigh and then push my way inside and shut the front door before giving each of the dogs a treat. Not that they deserve it. They’ve been total hooligans.

They gulp it down, Peanut and Wonton swallowing it whole. I’m impressed with their skill.

“If I could swallow something whole like you, I’d be world famous,” I mutter.

Peanut woofs in agreement, and I make my way to the shower, scrubbing down quickly and not taking nearly long enough to condition my hair because who knows how long straight men wash? He could be done in two minutes for all I know.

And I’m right. I’m still naked when the doorbell rings, forcing me to answer the door in a tiny towel.

“I didn’t do this on purpose,” I say. “You shower far too fast. Do you not exfoliate?”

He arches an eyebrow, probably confused as to what that means.

“You need to exfoliate, and god, I bet you don’t even condition that hair.”

“I use soap.”

I gasp. “You use soap in your hair?”

He nods, and I press the back of my hand to my forehead. “Absurd. That’s what you are. Come here…” I say, pointing to my side as I make my way back to the bathroom. Tomas follows me dutifully, and I preen that he’s not fighting me on this.

“I am going to educate you. Just hold on, let me put on some panties.”

I move him into the bathroom and then walk back to the dresser, pulling out a pair of lace panties and some shorts.

Tugging them on, I meet Tomas back in the bathroom. His cheeks are flushed, probably from the heat of the bathroom and his eyes are on the products sitting on the counter.

“Ah, okay, so…” I clap my hands and then rub them together. “Here is shampoo and conditioner. When you come over next time, I’m going to wash your hair and style it and then we are going to do face masks….”

He doesn’t look horrified at the idea, mostly just intrigued.

“Does that mean I get to wear zucchinis on my eyes?”

“Oh my god, no. That’s cucumbers.”


“Whatever, that’s beside the point. For now, I’m going to exfoliate your arms and hands, so you can see how smooth your skin can be.”

He eyes me, but still holds out his arms when I wiggle my fingers at him.

His hands land in mine, and I resist the urge to fondle those rough palms. Instead, I lean down and take in his thick fingers and muscular forearms, ogling them for far too long before opening my exfoliant and smearing it in my hands. I wet them and then get to work, scrubbing at his right hand and arm before moving to the left. The scent of grapefruit wafts up between us and he wrinkles his nose.

“I’m going to smell like fruit.”

“You are and you’ll be as soft as a peach.”