“Fantastic.” Sean found a grocery sack and started filling it with snacks and sodas from the refrigerator.
When he reached for the alcohol box, I whistled. “Not that. You know better.”
“Figured it couldn’t hurt to try.” He chuckled and took the bags of food out to his SUV.
I realized we hadn’t consumed much alcohol at the cabin. In fact, Romeo was sober far more often than not. Hopefully, that would continue back in Chicago, and he wouldn’t return to the bottle to cope with his feelings.
While Sean and Sam filled the back of their SUV, I tossed anything from the refrigerator that we weren’t going to take and would spoil, then wiped the counters and table and pulled the trash bag from its container, tying it off and setting it to the side so one of the guys could put it in the larger receptacle out back. It was a habit for me to be a polite guest and leave places better than I’d found them. In the cabin’s case, I was leaving it as it had been; there wasn’t anything I could do to improve on such a lovely house.
It had become more like a home in the weeks I’d spent there with Romeo, then with the O’Connors, too. I hoped to return if things with Romeo worked out well. Things were better since the other night when Romeo set the fire up to toast marshmallows. I was still wary of him returning to Chicago and the persona he kept up in public. I’d spent some time working to craft a way to change his public persona even more, to allow him to be more like himself without showing dangerous vulnerabilities.
The reality was that Romeo would always be in the mafia. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe he could ever give up his part in the family business. He wouldn’t want to, just like I’d never willingly surrender my connection to the O’Connor family. We’d have to learn to live in a world of crime families and hope for the best. Things would be okay as long as the families didn’t go to war. I’d never be able to choose a side when Romeo was on one side of the line and Sloane sat on the other.
“What’s put that look on your face?” Romeo asked as he wrapped me up in a muscly hug. I hadn’t noticed him approach while I was deep in thought. He looked much as he had when I first met him, clad in a black suit that gave him a dangerous air.
I realized I was frowning, so I replaced it with a smile as I looked up at him. “Nothing. I was thinking about what things will be like back home. City life is nothing like life in the woods.”
“True,” he agreed, his hand trailing down my back to squeeze my ass through my jeans. “We’ll make it work.”
“Yeah.” I stood on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to the underside of his chin.
“Mm,” he rumbled against my cheek as I rested my head against his muscles. “We have a couple of hours. We could muss up the covers again.”
I giggled and palmed his growing erection trapped beneath his suit pants. I toyed with the buckle, then shook my head. “As tempting as that sounds, I want to be comfortable for the long drive, and last night was a lot.”
“How does your ass feel?” He asked, rubbing said target.
I blushed, remembering the experimentation from the previous night. “A little sore, but nothing bad.”
“Good,” he murmured, pulling me tight to him. “Soon, you’ll be able to take my cock in that sweet little ass. I’m gonna make it feel so good you’ll beg for it.”
I shivered at his dark promise. “Not today, though.”
“So you’re saying tomorrow is on the table.” He smirked down at me and rubbed his erection against my lower belly. “I’m game whenever you are.”
“You’re cocky, is what you are,” I teased, shifting my hips.
Romeo lifted me onto the countertop and thrust against my center, hitting my clit and making me moan. I slapped my hand over my mouth, hoping the brothers hadn’t heard me.
“I’m cocky, am I?” Romeo chuckled and repeated the motion, making my head fall back in pleasure. “I’ll show you cocky. Right here if necessary.”
“Fuck you,” I hissed, biting his bottom lip hard. “You and your damn cock.”
He groaned when I squeezed his shaft hard, panting as he whispered, “That’s the idea, mia fiamma.”
I was tempted to give in, but we only had hours left at the cabin, and there was still one thing I wanted to do. Reluctantly, I pushed him away and hopped off the counter, my pussy achingly empty. Romeo sighed and adjusted himself.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
I patted his arm. “It was a valiant effort, but I want to walk to the creek before we leave.”
“Do you want me or one of the guys to go with you?” he asked, checking the clock. “You’ve got enough time if you don’t take too long. I can change.”
“No, don’t worry about it.” I grabbed a water bottle and retrieved my grey hoodie from the dining chair. It was cool enough that my black tank top wouldn’t be enough in the shade. “I’ll make sure I’m back in time.”
Romeo smirked. “I’ll make you a wager.”
“I’m listening,” I said, pulling the hoodie over my head.