“The way you looked at him. Touched him. You seem to share the same air.” His words were almost poetic, with a hint of sadness. I wondered if he’d actually had feelings for me or whether he’d just been doing what his father wanted. “Maybe I thought I had a chance with you at one time. It certainly would have made my Da happy. But you’ve clearly fallen for Romeo, and I wouldn’t stand in the way of love.”

Love? Did I love Romeo? Could you love somebody and still not fully know who they were?


“You don’t have to say anything,” Sean said as the creek came into view, the sun illuminating the clearing and shining its rays on Antonella’s memorial. He approached the stone and knelt, paying his respects and crossing himself as he stood. When he turned to me, that familiar grin had returned. “I’ll give you some time if you think you can find your way back.”

“Fuck off, O’Connor.” I grabbed a stick and tossed it at him playfully, but he evaded it. “I’ll be fine. Really.”

“Okay. See you in a bit. You owe me a few pool games since you’ve been gone from the pub for so long.”

I laughed, feeling lighter. “It’s been less than two weeks.”

“Two weeks too long.” Sean motioned to the creek. “Have your girl time, but think what you want to wager on the way back. I’ll be ready to beat your ass.”

“In your dreams,” I tossed out indignantly.

His laughter echoed as he turned and jogged back down the path, leaving me with my thoughts. I stood before Antonella’s memorial and thought about the things she’d told me about Romeo. Have patience with him, she’d said.

“Haven’t I been patient enough?” I asked the empty clearing. “I’ve been there for him. Hell, I put my life on hold to help him, even after I got fired and threatened. I’m out here in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for him. Why do I still feel this pull?”

Of course, there was no answer, so I yelled into the void, “Haven’t I done enough?”

A cool breeze made the surrounding trees sway, their leaves rustling and dancing to unheard music. I wasn’t sure I believed in spiritual communication, but I could swear at that moment the breeze caressed my cheek, and it was like Antonella had kissed me in reassurance that I hadn’t failed her or her son.

“Sorry,” I whispered, guilty for yelling at a dead woman who wasn’t even buried there. “I’m just so confused. I don’t know; maybe I do love him. If things could calm down, maybe I’d be able to stop and think about it.”

I sighed. Talking to nobody wasn’t helping, and I felt weird about hanging around in a futile attempt at self-awareness. So I turned back down the path, running through strategy for my game of pool against Sean. He might be a wildcard when it came to social interactions, but he was predictable on that green felt. As I reached the rise behind the house, I came up with the perfect wager. He’d hate it, but I didn’t give a fuck.

Something ahead caught my eye, and I squinted, trying to see what it was. Off in the woods to the side of the house, something looked like it was moving through the trees. The hair on the back of my neck rose, and I tried to get a better view by creeping forward, hiding behind trees to the side of the path. It looked like a man wearing black, but I couldn’t be sure. I glimpsed it again, but then it disappeared into the trees.

I broke into a run as I descended the hill, barely keeping my footing and panting by the time I burst through the back door.

Romeo stood as I stopped in the living room where the guys were watching something sports related on TV. “Riona? Are you okay?”

“Somebody is out there,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath. I motioned to the side of the house the figure had been closest to. “Saw it. Coming down hill.”

Sean and Sam were on their feet instantly, drawing guns from holsters on their backs.

“What did they look like?” Sean asked, all hint of levity gone from his expression.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, leaning against the back of the couch. “It was black. I think it was a person.”

“Did you get a good look?” Romeo asked, his weapon in hand as he looked out the dining windows.

“I was up on the hill, and they were in the trees moving away. Maybe crouched?” I realized that I’d only glimpsed whoever or whatever it was a few times.

“You’re sure it wasn’t an animal?” Sam asked.

I shook my head. “I can’t be totally sure, but something about it made me think it was a person.”

“It’s okay, I believe you,” Romeo said, standing in front of me and stroking my cheek. “We’ll check it out and make sure you’re safe.”

Sean nodded and turned to Sam. “You stay here with Riona. I’ll go with Romeo.”

“Yeah.” Sam led me to the couch as the others quietly let themselves out the front door and quickly crossed the lawn to the woods in the direction I’d seen the figure. “It’ll be okay.”

“I know.” Though I was beginning to shake as I came down from the rush of panic, I believed Romeo and Sean would do everything in their power to ensure my safety. “But it might not be about me.”