Chapter Fifteen
“We are not an item.”
I smiled indulgently as Riona ranted at me, trying to convince me that having earth-shattering sex did not make us a couple. “You spent the night.”
“I fell asleep!” she protested, waving her free hand in the air. The contrast between Riona’s flustered state and her prim blue church dress made me chuckle. I’d convinced her to come to Sunday mass after my mother called to pester me about bringing my girlfriend around.
Riona hadn’t objected, which gave me hope that she’d accepted our inevitable reality. She was mine now, and I wouldn’t be letting her go. What started as a ruse worked its way into my heart, and she took a place in the beating organ next to my mother and sisters.
After mass, I’d convinced her to pass the time before Sunday dinner by joining me on the Riverwalk. We strolled lazily down the path, the sun breaking through the clouds to warm us even as a cool breeze blew in from the river.
I licked a melting trail of ice cream that threatened to drip down the cone and onto my black suit, drawing Riona’s attention. Did I make a show of running my tongue all the way to the top? Of course. I liked to watch her blush, and she rewarded my efforts with pinkened cheeks.
“You let me buy you ice cream,” I pointed out, triumphantly tipping my cone toward her. “This counts as a date.”
Her curls bobbed in the breeze as she shook her head. “I’ll pay you back, then.”
“I won’t accept it.” I chuckled and wrapped my hand around her waist, turning her slowly, so she didn’t drop her ice cream as I pulled her closer and lowered my head for a kiss. She was sweet and tasted of sugar and vanilla as I sipped at her lips, silencing her protests.
Riona’s eyes remained closed for a moment after I pulled back, her lips plump and shiny as she breathed deeply. Finally, those brilliant blues looked up at me, a sensual fire smoldering within.
“You play dirty,” she breathed, and I closed the distance for another kiss, unable to resist the allure of her lips.
“Mmm,” I mumbled approvingly when her tongue twined with mine. “You’re the one who called me a devil. Sinners make their own rules.”
“And to think you greeted the priest with that mouth this morning.” Riona winked and took a lingering lick of her ice cream, giggling when I arched a brow.
“My mouth has many varied talents.” I resumed my sedate pace, and she followed at my side. “I bet I could show you some of them before we have to be at dinner.”
Her tongue darted across her lips like she was considering it. “I’m not sure I want to sit at your mother’s table stinking of sex.”
“I have a shower.”
“I don’t have my makeup with me.” Riona reached the end of the ice cream and began nibbling on the chocolate-covered waffle cone.
She made the most mundane tasks enticing. “You’re beautiful without makeup.”
Her laugh was almost lyrical as she rolled her eyes at me, pushing a curl behind her ear to clear her eyes. “And you’re sex-starved.”
“Not starved,” I clarified, looking out over the water and contemplating how to say what I needed her to know. “I just know a rare delicacy when I see it.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I ignored it and focused on Riona’s parted lips. I was a man obsessed, and I needed her to reciprocate. I’d do anything to know she felt the same.
Her eyes narrowed as she searched my expression, but then she softened and smiled shyly. “I suppose we could make a quick stop by your place.”
I grinned and started back up the path, looking over my shoulder. “If we hurry, I’ll have time to make you come twice!”
Riona shushed me, ducking her head as she rushed past a disapproving elderly couple to catch up with me as fast as her low-heeled sandals would allow. “I swear you’re trying to distract me with sex.”
“Is it working?” I took a bite of my ice cream and thought of all the ways I could make Riona fall apart under me in less than an hour.
Riona tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe.”
My phone vibrated again, and I pulled it from my pocket, seeing Dante’s number. I silenced the call. “He can wait until we get there.”
Before I could take another step, he called again, and I swore at my big brother for killing the mood before I’d even gotten my dick wet.
“Maybe it’s important.” Riona stopped and tipped her head to the side, waiting.