“Look around and you’ll see his handiwork.” Talia smiled with such pride as she pointed out the numerous paintings on the wall, and my mouth hung open in shock.

“You painted these?” I was stunned, rising from my seat to go look at the beautiful artwork in closer detail.

“I did. I find it calms my mind when it runs away from me, like when I’m stressed or trying to work through an issue.”

“They are beautiful.”

“If you enjoy art, we should get you a computer.” His tone had shifted, sounding excited.

“Oh, yes! She could try her hand at some graphic design!” Talia agreed with him, her eyes popping open wide, elatedly.

“Graphic design?” I asked, confused.

“Sure! Creating digital artwork. You could help promote The Temple. It could be a great fit for you actually, if you find you enjoy it.”

Suddenly, I felt a renewed sense of worth. Perhaps Talia had been right. Maybe, in time, all things would work out.


“I still can’t believe you made this!” Trixie was looking over the practice designs I had created for The Temple on an iPad while I finished up the dishes from earlier.

“Honestly, I can’t either. Computers are still a strange concept for me, but it’s gotten easier over the past two weeks.” The pride I felt at her praise filled my chest nearly to bursting. “This program… app, I think it’s called? This app they got for me makes it so easy; All I have to do is drag pictures and shapes from over here…” I pointed to one section of the screen. “And put them here on the canvas. Then I can add words or whatever else I want! It’s sort of like painting, to be honest.”

She shook her head in wonderment. “Well, you certainly do have a natural eye for it. I honestly don’t know how you lived your whole life without technology. I would literally go crazy without having my phone or some electronic device at the ready.”

I could only laugh at her overly dramatic antics. “Well, being raised in a cult will do that to a person.” I shrugged, and we laughed together.

“I still can’t believe how much you’ve learned in such a short time! It’s really incredible work, Adah.” Her normally impish tone had shifted to something more serious, and I found myself touched by her sincerity.

“When Levi and Ruth bought the computer for me, I honestly didn’t know what to do with it. I think it took me a full week just to figure out where the power button was.”

“Well, you’re working wonders, girlfriend! Kicking ass and taking names!”

“Thank you, Trixie.” I mentally reminded myself, for the hundredth time, that girlfriend was just a modern world term of friendship.

“But don’t think I’m going to let you off the hook so easily.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as she wagged her finger in my direction.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I can see right through your pretend happiness. I can see that you’re sad Joel isn’t working tonight.” Her suggestive glance, and even more suggestive statement, had me blushing and immediately rising to my own defense.

“Why would it bother me that Joel isn’t working tonight?” I asked, feigning disinterest.

“Oh, don’t give me that. I can see the sparks flying between the two of you like goddamn fireworks!” Her tittering giggles only made me more nervous. I didn’t like Joel. Well, at least, not like that. I couldn’t. Right?

“I have no reason to wish Joel was working tonight.” My continued defense was surely plausible, at least in my mind.

“Psh! That doesn’t mean you don’t wish he were here.”

“Let’s just get back to work, okay?” I brushed her off, focusing on finishing the dishes while she restocked the food on the long table where we had them displayed. Clients bustled in and out of the kitchen, taking this tasty treat and that, all the while making comments about the baked goods I had provided. It filled me with pride to hear their praise at my work.

After things were settled, Trixie bounced off on her break in search of her dominant, or Daddy, as she referred to him. It was a title I would never fully understand, though I worked to not think on it too long or too hard.

I let myself get lost in my baking, allowing the feel of the dough under my hands to carry my thoughts and troubles away for a little while.

“Is there anything you can’t bake perfectly?” A familiar voice called from across the room.

“Goodness!” I jumped nearly off the ground, the dough falling out of my hands and off the table to plop unceremoniously onto the floor as my eyes lifted to find Joel leaning against the long table, nibbling on a piece of biscotti I had made the night before. His smile quickly faded to a look of guilt and concern at my now failed culinary project.