“Sure,” she answers, and I hear when she opens the refrigerator.
“Is the couch still okay, or would you rather eat at the table in here?”
“You made that couch sound pretty nice earlier,” she replies as she joins me at the counter.
I smile and gesture toward the living room, and by the time I set our food down on the coffee table, Tenley’s sitting with a throw blanket in her lap, reaching up to offer me a beer. I press my lips together to suppress a grin.
Okay, maybe it’s a sob.
“Uh, thanks,” I reply, my voice thick. Then I twist off the cap and take a sip before plopping down beside her on the couch.
This might very well be the greatest moment ever.
She snuggles closer to me, and I reach over to open her beer bottle, despite being a little concerned about her tolerance level. “Don’t worry,” she says, apparently sensing my hesitation. “I’m a lightweight, but not that light.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I agree, even though she’s still speaking slower than usual. I offer to say grace, and she joins me, then I switch on the TV before I proceed to inhale my burger. Tenley gets through half of hers before she calls it quits and asks where she can find the bathroom.
I think briefly about sending her through my bedroom to the en suite, because I want her to get all kinds of ideas, but I lead her to the tidier guest bath instead. Then I pick up our dinner and make a fast dash to brush my teeth and freshen up. I stop in the kitchen for another beer for myself and a water for Tenley before I return to find her on the sofa again, watching football intently. I’d put the Baylor game on for her, and though we agreed to switch to the LSU game after a while, I can’t bring myself to change it yet. I set the drinks down and sit beside her, then reach out to pull her legs into my lap.
I automatically wrap my hands around her right foot and begin massaging it gently, and she sighs contentedly, shifting her position until she’s facing me. “Is this okay?” I realize too late that I probably should have asked permission before touching her, though she doesn’t seem to mind.
“Mm-hmm,” she returns, her eyelids fluttering closed as she lets her head fall to the side and rest on the back of the couch. The noise she makes on the next exhale is dangerously close to a moan, and I’m forced to take a few measured breaths of my own. I switch to her left foot and attempt to concentrate on my task, but my hands involuntarily begin trekking up her calves.
I turn to face her, hoping she’s okay with skipping ahead to the making-out-on-the-couch part of our agenda for the evening. “Tenley,” I whisper as I gravitate closer, my hands sliding up the sides of her dress and landing on her hips. “What’s your policy regarding kissing on the first date?”
She opens her eyes and stares back at me. “I’d only consider it if the date goes really well, and if I suspect he’d be a good kisser.”
“And how are my chances looking?” I reply, already closing the distance.
“Well, I’ve already confirmed the second part,” she begins, licking her lips. “And you kind of flexed on me with the foot massage, so I’d say pretty damn good.” She grabs a fistful of my shirt, and I lurch forward, our lips crushing together. My tongue glides over hers, and she hums as she clasps her hands behind my neck.
I lean in, cradling her as she lies back and shifting my weight to hover above her. I allow my right hand to roam over her body as I continue kissing her, careful to avoid slipping under her dress despite the overwhelming temptation. She clutches at my back and digs her fingertips into the muscles there and behind my arms, eventually hitching her leg up and hooking it over my hip.
I groan, reminding myself that I shouldn’t let this go any farther tonight. No doubt the amount of time since I’ve last been this close to a woman is a contributing factor, but the feeling of Tenley’s body beneath mine is even hotter than I imagined. I indulge myself by sliding my fingers up her chest, pleased to find my considerably large handspan useful for gripping something better than a football for once. She responds with encouraging noises as my mind flashes back to that lacy black bra, and I have to pull away because I’m smiling too hard.
“I’m wearing it,” she says, still out of breath. “Your favorite bra—the itchy one.”
Holy cow. She can read my mind now?
Then she shoots me a smirk so sexy that I doubt I’ll survive the night. I stare down at her in appreciation for a second longer before bringing my lips to her neck and my hand down to her butt.
“Mm, Tenley. I’ve wanted to do this with you for so long,” I murmur over her ear before I give it a light nibble. “And you feel even better than I—”
Oh, no, not now…
I panic as I feel a rumble in my chest, suddenly regretting the speed at which I consumed that burger in conjunction with the beer, but it’s too late. The loudest burp in history is already making its way up from deep in my gut and bellowing out right over Tenley’s ear. Though, I suppose this kind of gas is better than the alternative, and at least I’m not kissing her on the mouth when it happens.
I rock back to sit on my heels, and the movement brings another huge gas bubble to the surface. I cover my face and turn my head to the side to belt out another deafening burp.
“I am so, so sorry,” I attempt to apologize, my eyes wide. “I swear I didn’t mean to do that.”
But I’m surprised to find her stifling a giggle when I glance down, and then she hiccups. “It’s okay,” she replies, just before her body twitches again. “Ugh! I hate the hic-cups.”
I can’t help but chuckle at her, and I help her up to a sitting position before handing her some water. She settles into my side and continues to flinch every ten seconds or so for the next few minutes, cursing adorably under her breath each time. We sit that way comfortably for another hour, each of us offering our commentary on the game. I eventually switch to the LSU-Florida matchup, and she humors me by rooting for the home team.
And even though we don’t spend any more time kissing—at least, until I make sure to plant one on her in front of the security camera when I walk her back to her door—it’s absolutely the best first date I’ve ever had, and hopefully my last.