Page 74 of Third and Ten

I grin back at him. “Does that mean we can skip the part where I get grilled?”

“Actually, JD, I want to tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for Ethan. I hope he’ll still be able to depend on you once I’m gone.”

I furrow my brow and swallow hard. This is unexpected, and I’m going to have to work to keep my composure. I blink away the moisture pooling in my eyes as I nod. “I’d do anything for Ethan, and I’ll make sure he knows that,” I answer after I’m sure my voice will hold up.

“I know you will. And I hope that you and Tenley will stay together for the right reasons in the long run. For love, and not just because you think you owe it to Ethan to stick around.”

I shake my head quickly after he catches me off guard again. “As much as I care about Ethan, sir, I could never do that to Tenley. I promise, my feelings for her are very real.”

He nods. “And you’re sure you’ll be able to hold your own? She can be stubborn…tête dure.”

“You may have noticed that it hasn’t been easy getting her to admit she likes me,” I say with a soft laugh. “I think I’m learning, though.”

“Good, since I assume the only reason you’d stick it out this long is because you intend to marry my daughter one day. I’m sorry for bringing up the big stuff now, but I can’t exactly afford to procrastinate.”

I keep my expression serious despite enjoying his humor. “I think you know I’d like to have a family of my own, and that I wouldn’t have pursued Tenley if I couldn’t see that possibility with her,” I reassure him. “And although I’m not sure how long it’ll take to get us both there, I do want marriage…eventually, if she’ll have me.”

“Then there’s one more thing I’ll ask of you,” he says. “Promise me that if it works out between you and Tenley, you’ll convince her to at least try for a baby. She’s always wanted to be a mother, but after everything that happened with her sister, I think she’s talked herself out of having kids of her own.”

I gulp, my eyes feeling misty again. “Nothing would make me happier.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Thank you, JD. Take care of them for me.” He holds out a hand, and I clasp it.

“Thank you for trusting me with your family. And don’t forget about me down here. I’m probably going to need your intercession later.”

He chuckles again, just as Tenley’s car pulls into the driveway. “She had a few patients to see this afternoon,” he explains once the coughing subsides.

I nod knowingly as I lean back on the swing and watch her walk over to us with a wary smile.

“What’s this about?” she asks, leaning down to kiss her dad’s cheek before sitting beside me on the swing.

I reach over and drape my arm behind her, intending to pull her closer. But she surprises me by drawing her legs up and scooting in so that our sides are touching. I inhale deeply, willing my heart to stop beating like it’s going to explode.

“Oh, JD and I were just talking about his long-term game plan.”

“Mm-hmm,” she responds, eyeing me as if she doesn’t believe him.

I wink. “Next year will probably have to be a rebuilding year, but I think we’ll manage.”



“You came prepared, Coach.” Mrs. T smirks at me when I hand her a small bouquet of flowers and lets me into the house.

“I need all the help I can get.”

She chuckles and leans in for one of her signature cheek kisses. “She’s in her room, probably still fussing over what to wear.”

I smile and think back to our text exchange earlier this week, when I asked Tenley out on an official date and she finally accepted. But then she threatened to take back her “yes” once I told her our destination would be a surprise.

“You’d better go reassure her that she’s dressed for the right occasion, or you might never leave,” she says, gesturing toward the door I always presumed led to Tenley’s bedroom. “Ethan’s at Caidence’s, and Jude’s asleep, so don’t worry about having to suck up to either of them tonight.”

I laugh before knocking. “Hey, it’s me. Your mom said you—”

The door swings open, and Tenley stands before me dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, one hand resting on her hip. “How the heck am I supposed to know what to wear if you won’t even tell me where we’re going?”

I blink at her a few times, trying to force my brain to catch up. “Uh, these are for you.” I hold out another, slightly bigger, bouquet.