Page 72 of Third and Ten

And now I’m second guessing my suggestion to keep our relationship status quiet. I don’t want Tenley to think I’m anything less than thrilled about us, but living in a town this size, I also have to minimize the gossip. Naturally, the first assumption will be that Tenley and I are sleeping together, which wouldn’t bother me in the least, but would undoubtedly make Ethan feel uncomfortable.

“Oh, shit, are you…” Blake continues to provide his commentary, his voice tinged with amusement. “You’re really going for it, kid.”

My phone buzzes as he texts me a zoomed-in screenshot, and I’m feeling even more guilty for sharing the video in the first place. I may have let my enthusiasm get the best of me for a minute, but this seems all wrong now.

“It’s a little weird that you’re enjoying this almost as much as I was,” I tell Blake.

“I’m just saying, man—this looks pretty hot for casual dating. We both know sex means something to you, so you’d better make sure you and Tenley are on the same wavelength.”

“I know,” I say on an exhale.

I don’t bother to explain that casual dating isn’t a possibility with Ethan’s involvement. Or that I’d rather dive straight into the deep end, anyway, since I’ve felt such a strong connection to both Tenley and Ethan for a while.

Besides, unlike my older brother, I don’t just sleep with every woman I date. It hasn’t been easy balancing my reputation as a former D-I college football player with my personal values, especially my belief that physical intimacy should be secondary to an emotional connection. Despite my Catholic upbringing, I’ve inevitably made some mistakes and a few questionable decisions over the years, but I secretly pride myself on prioritizing morality over getting laid or looking cool.

Which means I’ve been celibate for a while—a long while—so I shouldn’t have any trouble continuing to exercise the same degree of patience until Tenley and I are both ready.

“I can’t believe this, JD,” Blake starts again. “I mean, I can, because I knew she was into you the whole time. I’m just surprised she’s letting you grope her behind the courthouse.”

“I guess you were right about one thing, at least.” I figure I’ll give him this one, since it’s harmless. “By the time we made it to my truck, she had me removing layers to get to my arms.”

He chuckles. “To hell with all that talking, then.”

I grunt, disappointed in myself for letting my brother goad me again. I should be more concerned with protecting Tenley’s privacy and keeping this stuff between the two of us instead of bragging about it.

“No, you were right before. I can’t just jump into bed with her. Even though my feelings for Tenley are already pretty intense, I’d rather set a slower pace for now if it means our relationship will be stronger in the long run.”

He laughs even louder. “Really, bruh? You’re gonna take it slow after all this?”

He’s right again.

I swallow hard as I acknowledge the fact that I’ve never been so attracted to anyone, that I’ve never wanted another woman as much as I want Tenley. Literally every cell in my body craves a connection to hers, and if she gives me the green light, I’m not sure I can resist acting on that attraction.

I clear my throat before I answer him. “I should. I mean, we should. We will.”

He snorts. “Yeah. Let me know how that works out for you.”

“Do me a favor—make sure I don’t get too dehydrated,” I tell him, prompting one more laugh before we hang up the phone.

I finally make my way into school, stopping by the teachers’ lounge. Then I notice a text from Ethan with a dinner invitation. I smile to myself as I reply, knowing that I’ll be walking headfirst into the butt of every joke at the Robin house tonight, but I happily accept, nonetheless.

“What’s with the cheesy smile, Coach?” Loren asks when she walks into the lounge.

“Who, me?”

“No, the other six-and-a-half-foot tall dork grinning at the vending machine,” she replies dryly.

I shrug as I retrieve a drink. “I’m just…having a good day. And I’m only six-four, for the record.”

She narrows her eyes, ignoring the height comment. Since Loren comes in at just over five feet, it’s probably all the same to her. “But what has made this day so great among others?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to fight the urge to gush. But I’ve learned my lesson after my conversation with Blake. “Can’t a guy just have a good day?”

“Not one who works with teenagers in the middle of ‘too hot for a hoodie but I’m wearing one anyway season,’ and not one with a serious unrequited cru—wait a minute!”

Loren slams her tiny hand down on the table, and my eyebrows shoot up. “Hmm?”

She circles me, pretending to scan for, I don’t know, changes? She crunches on a chip as she leans closer and studies my face. “Did you…shave?”