Page 68 of Third and Ten

She glances at Ethan for backup, her jaw slack.

“Oh, come on. The dude’s been a total simp since the day you got here. It’s pathetic how hard he’s been Stanning you,” he clarifies dryly. Thankfully, it looks like Tenley needs a second to decode what he’s saying.

“You talk a lot of mess for someone who has laps to run at practice this afternoon, kid,” I warn him. He sighs and signals that his lips are locked, then picks up his phone to occupy himself.

By the time the waitress returns, I hear my phone chime and fetch it from my pocket. My eyes dart to Ethan when I realize the message is from him. Then they narrow at the screen once I see the video he’s sent me—the one he claimed he hadn’t recorded. I hit play, lowering the volume and tilting the screen away from Tenley. My stomach flips as I watch our lips meet before she pulls me in by my tie.

Wow. That’s…a lot of tongue for the parking lot of a government building. And my hands probably shouldn’t be on her—

I cough awkwardly, hoping my face isn’t as flushed as it feels, and stop the video before texting Ethan.


I thought you said you weren’t filming us, you little creep.


*gif of Maui singing “You’re Welcome”*

i figured you’d want evidence of your first kiss for coach blake. or for yourself. ;)


Okay, it is pretty hot…even though it wasn’t our first kiss. *smirking face emoji*

I have more swag than you give me credit for, just sayin’.

But thanks, wingman. *eagle emoji*


sweet. ignoring the tmi part of that last message.

so when can i start calling you uncle jd in public?

or how about uncle coach? n’oncle thirsty? just lmk your preference.

“How long are you going to continue texting each other while we’re all sitting at the same table?” Tenley finally asks while Ethan and I grin at our screens like idiots. I set my phone down sheepishly. “If you have something to say about me, let’s hear it,” she adds.

“You don’t want that, babe, trust me,” I say, attempting to placate her. I hear my phone buzz and glance down instinctively.


ew, you’re already calling her babe? *vomiting face emoji*

“You know you’re just setting yourself up right now, don’t you?” I reply out loud.

“Yeah?” he retorts, his face mocking before he picks up his drink.

I lean back, stretching my arm over the back of Tenley’s seat. “Oh, yeah. Just wait. I’ll have her calling me all kinds of names later.”

“JD!” she shrieks, slapping me on the chest, and Ethan chokes mid-sip of his soda.

I calmly lift my shoulder in a shrug. “I meant pet names. You know, ‘honey,’ ‘sweetie,’ ‘baby.’ Get your mind out of the gutter, woman. I’d never imply something like that in front of the kid.”

Then I wink at Ethan and try not to laugh while he glares as menacingly as possible.