Page 66 of Third and Ten

“Maybe we could start with a celebratory lunch, just the three of us. That is, if you don’t have to rush back to school today,” she suggests, though she looks like she wants to say yes to my first offer.

“That would be great, especially now that I don’t have to rely on Ethan for an invitation,” I answer with a wink, making her laugh again. We walk over to her car, and I block her passage when I open the door so I can address Ethan first.

“Hey, kid.”

“Hey, Coach Thirsty. I mean, Uncle Thirsty.”

I clench my jaw as I try to decide whether I want to grab him by the collar and slug him in the nose or to laugh at him. “We’re all going to lunch together, just down the road. Follow us in the car.”

“Yes, sir,” he agrees with a smug look.

I start to back out but lean in on second thought. “Send me that video. Then delete it,” I order gruffly. “Got it?”

He glares at me as he climbs across the center console to the driver’s seat. “Did you really think I’d film that? Come on. It’s disgusting. You’re both so…old.”

“You really make me want to say bad words, you know that?”

“Wow, you’re taking to parenting really well already, N’oncle.”

I grind my teeth together and slam the door on his smiling face. “Come on, we’re going in my truck.”

Tenley’s eyes widen as I grab her hand and drag her along. “Okay, then.”

I walk around and open the passenger door for her first, and as soon as I climb in the other side, I feel her staring at me from her seat.

“JD,” she begins as I crank the truck. “Don’t take this the wrong way. But…” She clears her throat. “Just humor me for a second?”

“You want me to put the Jonas Brothers on again?”

She chuckles. “No, but would you mind taking off that jacket?”

I cock an eyebrow at her but obey her request, tossing the jacket into the back seat. “Can I lose the tie, too?”

“Sure, whatever,” she says, waving her hand. I discard the neck trap before I turn back to her expectantly. “Do you have any idea how much…” She trails off, her chest heaving. “Hell, could you please just kiss me again?”

I willingly oblige, leaning over the center console to meet her halfway, and that wave of heat begins burning up my insides the second I press my lips to hers again. Her left hand crawls over my right bicep until she rakes her nails over the thin fabric of my dress shirt, and I understand what she was too embarrassed to admit a second ago. I smile against her lips and flex for her, and she whimpers into my mouth, clutching at my arm tightly.

So. Damn. Hot.

This time I have to pull away before I get myself into a bind.

“Tenley Robin, you’re going to be the death of me,” I whisper, resting my forehead against hers and grinning broadly.

Then the car behind us lays on the horn while a text simultaneously comes through my phone. “You have two new messages from Big E,” announces my truck’s audio system. “Would you like me to read them?”

“Yes,” I answer as Tenley scoots back to her side of the truck, to my dismay. I sigh and drive away from the parking lot, eager for a distraction.

“Big E said, ‘Wait, why are you taking your clothes off? Ew. Gross. I don’t think I like this anymore,’ and ‘Can we go now? I’m really hungry. You can molest each other later.’ Would you like to reply?”

I snort and Tenley shakes her head, her cheeks reddening. “Yes,” I say. “Text Big E: But this was all your idea, remember?”

“Okay, message sent. Anything else?”

“Text Big E: Also, I am now going to be the king of that’s not what your mom said last night jokes.”

“Message sent.”

Tenley looks over at me, attempting an angry glare but failing. “I can’t even with the two of you.”