I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a second. Why has my heart decided to wait until this very moment to take over and cloud my brain? Apparently, all he has to do is say that I’d make a decent parent, and I’m putty in his hands.
Even so, I can no longer ignore that a very significant part of me really wants to explore these feelings with JD. And though I assume he won’t mind if I make a move, I also think he’ll expect a date to follow shortly, and maybe even a real relationship.
My face relaxes as I realize I’m not as terrified at that prospect anymore, and I’m still eager to convey my gratitude for all those nice things he just said about me in the same way I rewarded his last favor.
Then I groan and shake my head, trying to bring my thoughts back to the more important stuff I have going on, like this custody hearing. I’m still not used to this new lack of focus. I apply a fresh coat of lipstick, run my fingers through my hair, and blow out a breath to hype myself up.
I step out of the bathroom to find the guys waiting for me at the courtroom door. This time I end up sitting beside JD, and his hand ventures over to cover mine. He strokes my pinkie with his thumb, triggering a response throughout my whole body and awakening parts of me I haven’t regarded in a long time.
Unfortunately, this also includes a disproportionate number of previously unused sweat glands.
Everyone stands as the judge reenters, and I take a second to free my hand and peel my blouse away from my dampened skin, desperately trying to get some fresh air to the girls. We remain standing as the judge reiterates the conversation we had in his chambers. But then he adds a bit that even has Blake fidgeting and looking nervous.
“As young Mr. Robin is nearly sixteen, the court will honor his request and grant temporary custody to Ms. Tenley Robin, effective immediately. We will revisit the situation in another month or two, after the family attempts to contact the young man’s alleged father one more time, as the goal is always the reunification of children with their biological parents whenever possible. Case dismissed.”
He taps the gavel, and I feel Blake’s hand on my elbow, ushering me out of the courtroom. He lets go of me as soon as we make it to the hallway, but I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right, and the concern on Blake’s face only solidifies my theory.
“Don’t panic,” he says softly, raising his hands in an attempt to placate me. “It’s honestly not the best-case scenario, but it’s nothing we can’t fix by the next court date, okay?”
“I wasn’t panicking until you said that,” I spit out. I glance over at Ethan, and he forces a smile.
Blake huffs at me impatiently, but JD comes over and cups a hand over my arm, rubbing softly until I take a deep, calming breath. His eyes meet mine with a questioning look, wordlessly asking me whether I’m okay, and I nod.
“Come on,” Blake says after a second, glancing between us. “We’ve got papers to sign, and then you guys are good to go.”
We follow him into a clerk’s office, where I scribble my name on a handful of documents. “The judge will sign these and make them official, and I’ll have the notarized copies for you by tomorrow,” Blake explains. “In the meantime, you’re allowed to celebrate. Ethan is officially and legally yours, albeit temporarily.” He adds a warm smile at the end, but it’s a little late to change the mood.
I reach out to embrace Ethan anyway. “I love you, kid,” I tell him, my eyes beginning to water.
“Thank you, Aunt Ten. I love you, too,” he says in return, his voice thick with emotion.
He pulls away and reaches out to Blake for a handshake. “Thanks, Coach Blake.”
“My pleasure, Big E,” Blake replies, his own eyes looking slightly misty.
“Yes, thank you, Blake,” I echo.
He nods in response. “Well, I’ve got to file all this now if I want to make it out in time for practice this afternoon. But you three go on and get out of here. I’ll see you guys later.”
JD locks hands with his brother next, pulling him in for an unexpected hug and whispering something near his ear. Blake slaps him on the back before they separate, his smile looking a little more genuine now.
Then I watch carefully as JD strides over to me in that suit, and I’m unnaturally hot all over again.
We walk out of the courthouse in silence, still reeling from the last few minutes, and my palm rests on the small of Tenley’s back as I lead them over to her car.
“Thanks for coming, Coach,” Ethan says. I let go of her to clasp his hand and pull him in for a pat on the back. “It means a lot to both of us,” he adds over my shoulder.
“I was happy to do it,” I return.
Then he ducks into the passenger seat, leaving me and Tenley alone on the sidewalk. I take a step toward her, but she keeps her eyes trained on the ground, pressing her lips into a hard line. “You okay, Ten?” I ask tentatively, nudging her fingertips with mine. I know I’m being presumptuous by initiating as much physical contact as I have with her in public today, but she seems okay with it. Maybe it’s because we’re away from the prying eyes of everyone in Camellia, though I hope it’s because she finds it comforting.
To my surprise, she clutches my hand tightly and glances up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears, threatening to spill over any second.
“Come here,” I say softly and envelop her in a hug. She buries her face in my chest as soon as I wrap my arms around her. I can hear her sniffling quietly, as if she’s trying to hide that she’s crying, because God forbid anyone spot a chink in her armor.