“Yeah, I thought the same thing earlier today when I realized he won’t be riding shotgun with me anymore,” he says, his tone wistful. “But I guess that’s the deal with teenagers. As soon as you think you’ve got it figured out, they go and attempt something else adult-like, and you’ve got to start all over again.”
I pull my feet up and cross my legs as he swings us. “Pretty much. I don’t know if I’m equipped to handle first dates and custody court dates in the same month.”
He’s silent for a minute before he answers. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing an amazing job, Tenley.”
“I mean it. And whatever you need, I’m here for you. Both of you. Don’t be afraid to ask.”
But what scares me is the way he’s implying that he wants to be helpful in other ways, since we both know Ethan won’t be asking him for a ride home from practice any time soon.
“You already do more than enough, JD.”
“Hey,” he says, his voice deepening and drawing my gaze back to him. “It’s okay. No one expects you to come in and raise a kid all on your own.”
I turn away again, the tears pooling in my eyes. Why does he insist on being so nice to me, despite my inability to treat him with the same courtesy? What could he possibly see in me that makes him so desperate to get my attention? And why is this conversation making me so emotional?
“Tenley.” He says my name softly, and his fingertips leave a trail of warmth over the back of my hand as he tries to comfort me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
I sniffle quietly, trying to hide the evidence. He groans and pulls his hand away, and I figure he’s annoyed with me. But when I turn, he’s running his fingers through his short hair, tugging at it in frustration. “Why do I always say the wrong thing around you?”
“It’s not you. It’s hard for me to admit that I might need anyone,” I confess, to my own surprise.
“Well, I promise I’m not just trying to suck up to you or to make you feel like you owe me anything. I really enjoy spending time with Ethan…with your whole family.”
I sigh heavily, willing the waterworks away for now. “I do appreciate everything, JD. I know you’re a good guy, and I’m sorry again for what I said the other night. It’s not like I think you’ve been doing things for Ethan just because you’re trying to…get with me.” I cringe as I say the last part out loud.
“Oh. So, you don’t think I’m trying to ‘get with you’?” he asks. His eyes are narrowed, but a smirk plays on his lips. I shake my head, feeling my cheeks heat up. And now I’m the one who’s grateful we’re still sitting in the dark.
That is, until my mom has the courtesy to turn on one of the outdoor lights, casting a glow our way. “Wait, are you…blushing?” he asks incredulously.
“No,” I lie, shoving him in the chest.
But it’s a huge mistake on my part, because it feels like my hands have just collided with a sexy brick wall, and I don’t want to touch any remotely sexy parts of JD—or any other man, for that matter.
“You’re a terrible liar, by the way,” he leans in and whispers. “Your cheeks are getting darker by the second.”
He thinks I’m embarrassed because of what he said and not losing my composure over the physical contact I just made with his muscles, the ones that are perfectly visible behind the taut fabric.
Let’s just go with that, then.
“Would you shut up?” I grumble, still flustered with him so close.
Whose idea was it to stay out here with him, again?
“I’m sorry. I’m not supposed to be making things weird, and if your face is any indication, we’ve crossed over into weird territory,” he says, his tone light.
“And this isn’t weird for you?” I return. And now it sounds like I’m flirting back.
His brow rises. “Which part? Having to squeeze into your dad’s old T-shirt because I smashed Ethan’s cake? Ending the night with a romantic swing on the porch, just the two of us?” He pauses for a while before continues. “Or finally hearing you acknowledge my huge crush on you?”
I turn away and bite my lip, only answering after I take a second to collect myself. “You really are shameless, aren’t you?”
He shrugs, his gaze locked onto mine. “Maybe I just really like you.”
My eyes dart down. “You’re making it weird again,” I whisper.
“Look,” he begins with a sigh. “I know I promised you I wouldn’t do this anymore, but I can’t help myself. Maybe you’re not that into me, Tenley, but the truth is…I can’t stop thinking about you.”