Blake stops me as we reach the doors. “Do you want to know what I think?”
I lift a shoulder in a shrug.
“You’re not being aggressive enough. If you’re going to keep going for desperate, then it’s past time to pull out the big guns, literally. Trust me, she’s noticed that you’ve got the body of a Watt brother. She just needs to see more of it.”
“Oh, okay. Let me just find a reason to take my shirt off in front of her and make sure she fully understands, then,” I mumble sarcastically. I’ve always seen my size and build as an advantage with women, but maybe Tenley isn’t into bulky, retired football players.
Although, I have caught her checking out my arms.
“All right. Plan B. If you really want to move this along without throwing yourself at her, then you’re going to have to play hard to get. You need to make her jealous,” he proposes with a wide grin.
“I don’t think I like the way that sounds—or the look in your eyes right now, if I’m being honest,” I reply warily.
“You’re overthinking this,” he says. “Get her to believe she’s not your only option. If she does get jealous, then you’ll know she’s interested. And if she doesn’t care, at least you’ll have learned she’s not worth the headspace anymore.”
I sigh. “I’ll think about it.”
“You do that. But I happen to know what Tenley likes, and I can guarantee you with almost absolute certainty that you’re her type,” he says, a cocky look on his face now.
“And how in the hell would you know that?” I growl.
He laughs. “Touchy, are we? It’s probably the lack of—”
I shove him into the locked side of the gym doors and dart inside before he can retaliate, like the annoying little brother that I am.
By the time we wrap up the supply drive and I drop off Ethan at home, I’ve already resigned myself to spending another Saturday night alone on my couch with a pizza and a college football game.
Pathetic, I know.
To be honest, finding a date would be relatively easy. I’m aware that I’m considered a catch by our small-town standards. The problem is that the only woman I’m interested in dating doesn’t seem all that interested in dating me.
Besides that, I just don’t want to go out anymore, and I find myself keeping my old friends at a distance lately. I’m ready to spend my weekends with someone I really care about, someone who needs me to keep her warm on the couch while we stay in and watch Netflix. Someone who wants to start a family together.
Is it too much to ask to have Tenley Robin waiting for me on the sofa with a big fuzzy blanket and a football game on the TV when I walk inside? I won’t mind one bit if she’s wearing those tight leggings and holding a cold beer in her hand, while we’re at it.
I exhale loudly as I flip on the lights in my empty house once again. I’ve been thinking about getting a dog or something, but I figure it would be irresponsible to adopt a pet when I work so late during football season.
Maybe a cat?
Like I said, pathetic.
I deliberate applying for one of those matchmaking reality shows, even the one where they basically set you up on a blind date at the altar. But what if they match me with someone shallow or just plain nuts? On second thought, I probably take marriage too seriously for that. Those other Bachelor-style dating shows aren’t my cup of tea, either. I’ve never been a fan of juggling multiple romantic interests at once, and I don’t think I’d care for the lifestyle that accompanies reality-TV success.
I even found myself considering whether I was being called to religious life a while back, entertaining the possibility that my growing disinterest in dating was intended to steer me toward the priesthood. But after speaking to Father Conrad, I concluded that I still have a deep desire for marriage and family life, much to my relief. Father said that I would feel a pull, that I could trust the Holy Spirit to lead me to the right vocation in the same way I was drawn to teaching and coaching. Then, a few weeks later, Tenley showed up at the football field and there was an undeniable tug. Now, every time I think about Tenley, each time I see her, I feel that pull again. And it has only been growing stronger by the day.
I groan, setting my pizza box down to take out my phone.
Fine. I’ll try it your way.
Figured you’d come around.
We’ll start with Plan A. Your girl singled out that signed JJ Watt football in my office all on her own the other day. Like I said, you’re definitely her type. You just need to show her what she’s missing.