“That’s true. Maybe that’s why we’ve always gotten along. We were meant to become a family one day,” he says softly, looking down at his feet.
My heart swells a few sizes, and I’m afraid it won’t fit in my chest before long. “I bet you’re right, man. And, hey, I’m proud of you and the way you’ve handled everything. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I kind of love you, kid.”
I figure Ethan knows how I feel about him by now, but today seems like the right day to say it outright.
His cheeks flush slightly and he looks away, obviously embarrassed. “Thanks. You, too, I guess, Uncle JD…ugh, no. Too weird. Can I just call you ‘JD’?”
“Yeah, JD’s fine,” I tell him.
Father Conrad comes over to greet both of us with handshakes, and we make small talk until Blake makes his way from the back of the church.
“I still can’t believe you’re letting him do this, Father,” he grumbles as we approach the altar, though I can see a smile lurking behind his grumpy mask. I’m starting to think my big brother has gone soft—not that I’m brave enough to call him out on it. Over the past couple of weeks since Tenley and I decided to get married, he’s been way more supportive than any of us could’ve imagined, even helping us apply for a marriage license and deigning to play nice with Loren. And, although he disagreed with my reasoning after I explained that Tenley and I won’t be using contraception because we’ll be practicing NFP instead, he respected my wishes when I asked him not to decorate my truck with condoms. He was also less than pleased when I turned down his offer to throw me a “real” bachelor party.
“Oh, I think he knows what he’s doing,” Father Conrad says with a chuckle. “At the end of the day, I believe JD will be awfully happy with his decision to enter into the sacrament of holy matrimony.”
“By the end of today, I bet you’ll be right.” Blake snorts, and my face flushes just a little, even though I’m beyond feeling embarrassed about what comes next.
“I’m counting on it,” I murmur, my breath catching when the door opens to reveal Tenley in a wedding dress. To my surprise, she’s wearing a simple white dress that drapes over her curves just right, the neckline offering just a peek at her cleavage without being immodest. A veil hangs loosely over her hair, which is swept back in some sort of elaborate bun. Her mom and Loren are fussing over her and adjusting everything as they walk this way.
I expected her to wear something nice, but honestly, nothing this traditional. She looks like a real bride.
My bride.
My heart pounds as I wait patiently for her to look up, and the smile that spreads across her face when our eyes finally meet doesn’t disappoint. It sounds cliché, but I’ve never seen anyone look so beautiful.
“We’re all ready, then?” Father Conrad asks, bringing me back from my thoughts.
Everyone shifts into place. Blake stands next to me, Loren walks across the way, and Ethan and Mrs. T flank Tenley’s sides. They step forward, and I think Father asks them about giving her away, but I’m still so floored to see her standing in front of me in that white dress and veil that I tune out most of what they’re saying.
They take turns embracing Tenley before Ethan grabs her hand and places it in mine the way we practiced the day before. I automatically bring it up to my lips, kissing the inside of her wrist and causing her cheeks to redden. She looks up at me coyly, as if she wants me to know that she’s wearing all of it just for me, and I find myself staring at her again and contemplating how lucky I am. Blake coughs out some mention of Holy water a few times until I get the hint and turn us to face the altar.
I can barely focus on anything Father Conrad says after that, my attention consumed by the feeling of Tenley’s hand trembling within mine and the sound of her unsteady breathing beside me. After the liturgy readings, Father cracks a joke about being open to life that apparently makes the others chuckle, but by now I couldn’t care less about everyone knowing exactly what my plans are for the rest of the afternoon.
I try my best with the vows and the “I do” parts, though I struggle to choke down the emotion in my throat a few times. Tenley tears up and her voice cracks when she repeats “in sickness and in health,” and it takes all I have to keep my eyes dry. I know we’re both wishing my parents and her dad could be here, and I make sure not to glance over at Mrs. T, since I can hear her sniffling from where I stand.
When I turn to take the rings from Blake, the big softie is clearing his throat and avoiding my eyes, nearly causing me to lose it. I elbow him in the ribs to signal that he isn’t fooling me, and he looks away, smiling shyly.
Tenley and I manage to slip wedding bands on one another despite our shaky hands, then Blake and Loren join us in signing the marriage license. Finally, Father Conrad has us bow our heads for a blessing before introducing us as, “Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake Bourgeois, III” for the first time and inviting me to kiss my bride.
I wink at Tenley and shoot her a smug look, and her eyes widen before I yank her in and press my lips against hers greedily. I can hear some applause and laughter from our small audience, but I figure we’re entitled to make out anywhere now, right? I force myself to pull away, and Tenley stands unmoving for a second, wearing that heavy-lidded, intoxicated look I love so much.
“All right, not in front of the kid,” Blake calls out, making us all laugh again.
“Yeah, that’s not exactly church tongue,” Loren adds in a loud whisper as everyone comes over to offer their congratulations. My only reply is an unapologetic shrug before I pull Loren in for an embrace. My mother-in-law hugs me next, and she squeezes me so hard that I check my ribs when she turns to fawn over Tenley again. We attempt a few photos, but Loren has to reprimand me too many times for staring at my wife instead of looking at the camera.
“So, uh, you guys should go on home and change. We’ll meet up later,” Mrs. T says with a wink as we all walk out of the church together. Tenley rolls her eyes but doesn’t protest when I grab her hand and pull her onward to the parking lot.
“Okay, then. Thanks for coming! See you all soon, but not too soon,” I proclaim, dragging my bride along.
I grab her sides to lift her and place her in my truck, making her giggle as I frantically stuff the rest of her dress in after her. Then I slam the door and jog over to the driver’s side.
“Hey, don’t hurt yourself, kid,” Blake tells me, snickering at me as he ambles by. “Be safe. Oh, and, I expect a full report later,” he adds.
“I’m turning my phone off. And someone better be dying if you so much as attempt to contact either of us before tomorrow afternoon.” I realize I’m growling at him, even though I don’t mean to.
“Come on, Blake.” Loren appears and tugs lightly on his arm. “I think Little Brother can take it from here.”
He smirks at me before he obliges, slipping his hand over hers as they walk away together. I suppose they could’ve called a truce for the occasion, but Blake and Loren seem to be getting along unusually well.