“Wait, you’re marrying JD, as in the JD Bourgeois, the former LSU tight end with the big guns and the tight end?” Nicole asks, bouncing her eyebrows.
I snort. “That’s the one.”
She tilts her head and sighs. “Wow…I kind of hate you a little, too,” she adds in a playful voice. “I went on a date with his brother once. He was fun, but I doubt we’ll be seeing another future Mrs. Bourgeois in here any time soon, if you know what I mean.”
I roll my eyes at her somewhat accurate assessment of my brother-in-law.
“Okay, I absolutely need to see a picture. And can someone please spill the tea? What’s with the quickie wedding?” Miley asks as she readjusts my veil. “Will we need a bigger dress?” she adds quietly.
I reassure them that I’m not pregnant and explain the custody situation again while Nicole pulls up JD’s Instagram account on her phone. I make a mental note to ask him to set his socials to private after this. But they only simper over a few of his photos and shower him with compliments, which I suspect is mostly to get me to laugh and help defuse a potential bridal breakdown.
I turn around to face Mom and Loren after staring at my reflection a little longer. “Are you sure it’s not too fitted? It feels pretty snug.”
“She may be right, Mrs. T. Our boy is never going to survive the ceremony if we let her walk down the aisle like that,” Loren says, nudging my mom and smirking mischievously. “This dress is basically obscene—like, spicy romance-novel material.”
“I’m afraid so, Tenley-girl. Your big, strong, sensitive man is going to blow a fuse when he sees you in that dress. Pauvre bête.”
Loren giggles and snorts before she adds, “He’s going to carry her right out of that church, all the way home to bed, I’m sure.”
I cringe as Miley and Nicole join them in laughing at my expense. “You guys are the worst.”
“If you could see the way he’s been looking at you for the past few months, you’d think it was pretty funny, too,” my mom returns.
I turn my attention back to the mirror, trying to change the subject. “So, this is it. It looks like I’ll be getting married in this dress,” I remark, still in disbelief. “Because I’m a crazy person.”
“Oh, but this is the best kind of crazy, Ten,” Loren replies with a smile.
I pull my arms through the sleeves of my navy suit jacket, the one that Tenley likes so much, then I turn to face Ethan.
“My tie straight?”
“Yep. Are you getting nervous yet?”
I look down at my hands, willing them to stop shaking. “Nah, I’m good.”
“Are you sure?” I figure he’s referring to my decision to get married this time.
“Absolutely,” I say on an exhale. It probably sounds less convincing than I mean it to, but it’s the truth.
“You know, no one would blame you if you felt like you had to back out,” he adds quietly. “But it’s now or never, right?”
I grin at him and let my hand fall onto his shoulder, feeling pretty damn lucky to be gaining him, too. “I’m not going anywhere, E. But thanks for the reminder.” I reach in for a hug, which he willingly returns. Then I furrow my brow as I pull away. “Wait, you’re not trying to tell me that Tenley’s getting cold feet, are you?”
He shakes his head quickly. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. You know her. If she’s come this far, she won’t back out now.”
I laugh because he’s right. “Listen, Ethan,” I begin. “I know it probably feels like everything is changing right now, but I still mean what I said before. You’ll always be a priority for both Tenley and me, and I’m happy to play whatever role you want me to in your life. I could never replace your Pop, and I don’t want to impose on your relationship with your father, but I’ll be here for whatever you need.”
He lets out a deep breath. “I know you will. I mean, I’m glad I met Ryan, but he’s never going to be my dad. And he’s nowhere near crazy enough to get married just to set a good example for me,” he says with a sardonic laugh. “But seriously, I’m really grateful for you and Aunt Ten. Thank you for doing this.”
I have to swallow the lump in my throat before I can answer him. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one coming out ahead here. Nothing would make me happier than having you around all the time.”
He smiles. “Except maybe bunking with Tenley.”
“Fair enough.” I smirk. “But I haven’t forgotten that you were my loyal sidekick before she showed up.”