I’m sorry.
Me too. I’d do anything to get him back here with me, where he belongs.
Right. Well, let me know if there’s anything you need from me.
I frown as I reread his last reply. He’s obviously still upset with me, but I’m unsure whether it’s because of the other night or something I said just now. I want to ask, to say more, but I’m afraid I’ll make things worse, so I leave it alone for now until I can figure out how to take my mom’s advice and make this all up to him.
“Hi, Ms. Reed, Ms. Tenley. Can I get you anything to drink?” Caidence asks Loren and I once we’re seated at a table in her family’s cafe. It’s not her normal bubbly greeting, though, and I suspect she’s harboring some misplaced guilt as she avoids my eyes.
Loren orders coffees for both of us, probably noticing the way I can’t bring myself to look up, either.
She reaches over and rests her hand next to mine on the table. “Ten, I’m really sorry about everything. If you want to vent, I’ll listen. And if you’re not ready to talk about it yet, that’s okay, too.”
I give her a sad smile. “Thank you.” Then I take a fortifying breath. “I think I probably should get some of this out,” I admit, though I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop myself from having another breakdown now that JD’s leaving town.
Well, if he hasn’t left already, that is.
Loren nods for me to continue, so I explain everything, from the reasons why I squashed my feelings for JD in the beginning, all the way through the half-realized ideas I’ve been working on over the past couple of days, pausing only when Caidence returns with our drinks. The only thing I don’t mention is JD’s new job, since I’m not sure who he’s shared it with yet. Loren listens carefully and asks nothing, even when I confess that I was too harsh on JD for being loyal to Ethan.
I release a long exhale once I’m done, feeling slightly better. But the weight of losing all three of the most important men in my life within the last few weeks returns immediately. “So, yeah. I’m basically the worst.”
“You’re not the worst,” she says, smirking. “But you also can’t give up on relationships when they get complicated. This isn’t a hobby you can quit if you decide it’s too hard.”
“I know. It just feels like I’ve been thrown into a tennis match when I’m better equipped and more prepared for football,” I explain, making her chuckle. “But I had no idea how much I’d like tennis until after I tried it, and now it’s all I can think about, even though I don’t understand the rules and I have no idea what I’m doing most of the time.”
“So, you’ll learn as you go, right? I mean, you literally have an amazing coach at your disposal. I can’t imagine that JD wouldn’t be happy to hear from you and even more thrilled by all the emotional growth you’ve made over the past few days.”
Caidence interrupts us again by clearing her throat as she sets our plates down on the table. I notice her eyes looking a little misty.
“Ms. Tenley, there’s something I think you should know. Is it okay if I sit for a second?”
“Of course,” I say, trying to collect myself.
She chews on the inside of her cheek for a second before she begins. “I think I might be one of the reasons why Ethan left. I know he’s been dealing with a lot over the past month or so, but he wasn’t acting like himself, and we started having a lot of disagreements. I didn’t want to break up with him, especially while he seemed so depressed, but the homecoming stuff, and the way he’s been so moody…it got to be too much for me.”
“Caidence, you’re not the reason Ethan left, and you shouldn’t excuse his behavior if he’s been making you feel bad or uncomfortable.” I give her a sad smile and reach out to pat her shoulder, as well as make a mental note to talk to Ethan about seeing a therapist or a counselor, something I probably should have done much sooner. “Yes, Ethan has been going through a tough time. But you made the right decision. You’ve still been a good friend to him, even when you pointed out that he wasn’t emotionally ready for something more.”
She nods and sniffles quietly, trying to hide her tears. “I really miss him. And I’m sorry that I made him feel…you know, unloved. Not that it was like that with us yet. But I’ll always love him as a friend, even if he doesn’t come home.”
My eyes travel up to Loren’s, and her expression says that she shares my admiration of Caidence’s maturity and honesty.
“Have you told him that?” I venture.
She shakes her head. “He hasn’t been answering any of my Snaps or texts. He’s probably still mad at me.”
“I’ll bet he’s just feeling guilty,” I say. “Keep at it. He’ll answer eventually. I know he really cares about you, and he’s lucky to have you for a friend.”
“Thank you, Ms. Tenley.” She glances up, and her cheeks turn pink. “I’m sorry about you and Coach JD, too,” she adds softly.
“What do you mean?” I ask.