“That’s different. I can be that way with my patients, but I’m obviously not empathetic enough for my own family.”
“Nope, I’m not buying that one either, because it’s natural to care and provide for the people you love most without even realizing that you’re doing it,” she continues. “Look how easily you slipped into that role for Ethan.”
I sigh, because even though she’s got a point, I’m still not fully convinced. “But you made all the sacrifices, you did everything so well, and you still lost Tessa and Dad.”
“Not everything.” She huffs. “I’ve made my share of bad choices and gone through some very dark times, especially after Tessa died. But luckily, you guys didn’t need me to be perfect. You only needed me to love you.” She pauses before she adds, “I was also smart enough to marry a man with infinite patience and who loved me beyond all reason, even when I did screw up, which happened a lot more often than you think.”
I think about my dad and the way he adored my mom, and I can’t help smiling when JD’s face materializes in my mind. My mom grins as she continues. “Jude Robin was a great husband, a wonderful father, and a damned good electrician. But accepting apologies was probably what he did best.”
“He probably would’ve said that being a Saints fan taught him about perseverance,” I remark, making her laugh.
“JD is a lot like him, you know,” she says, reading my thoughts. “Very patient. I bet he’s good at making up, too.”
“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” I say with a sigh. Then I wipe my face again before walking around to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Mom, for all of it. I love you.”
She beams up at me. “I love you, too, Tenley Jean.”
Then I take a fortifying refill of coffee back to my room to begin making amends with new conviction. I text Loren first, since I know she’ll be the easiest, and she readily accepts my invitation to meet up for lunch tomorrow. (I make a mental note to make sure to treasure her friendship this time around. Loren is amazing, and I’ve realized how much I’ve been missing her all these years.)
Then I work up the courage to message Ethan. He answers immediately, to my surprise, and we trade pleasantries before I attempt an apology.
Ethan, I want to make sure you know that you have never been a burden to any of us, especially not to me. You’re a gift. I love you, and I’m sorry if I ever made you feel unwanted.
yes, ma’am. i’m sorry i left the way i did. and i love you, too. it wasn’t your fault, i promise…i’ve just been feeling like something’s off or missing, and I thought maybe meeting my father would help.
He may not be angry with me, but I’m worried when he implies that meeting Ryan hasn’t helped.
I understand. And I am glad that you’re finally getting to know him. So, how has it been?
he’s cool, i guess. my little sisters are cute. they have a nice house and all.
That’s great. :)
I’m sure you’re already an amazing big bro.
i really miss you guys, though. is mawmaw okay?
She’s all right. We all miss you, too, but we want you to be happy. And we’ll support you if this is what you want.
and if i want to come back?