“The rumor is that he’s got his sights on becoming the next assistant DA,” Blake explains over the phone.
“What does that have to do with Ethan?” I demand. I’m sitting in my car after work, wiping my nose on the inside of my lab coat after big-crying over the papers I was served a few minutes earlier.
“My guess is that after your mom sent that letter, Ryan hired a private investigator and did some digging. If there was any chance Ethan was his, he’d want to get ahead of the situation and use it to make himself look good. Nobody wants to vote for a deadbeat dad, but they love a happy family, right? E is literally every parent’s dream: good grades, decent athlete, well mannered with a nice smile. Ryan would be crazy not to capitalize on that and use Ethan to his advantage before anyone found out the whole truth.”
“Can he really get away with this?”
Blake sighs. “Unfortunately, he can. Especially if Ethan continues to go along with it.”
“Even though Ryan’s basically just a sperm donor.”
“Pretty much. But he’s got a few other things going for him, too, Tenley. He’s married, well established in his community, and can prove that he’s been a decent father to his other kids. There’s no evidence he knew anything about Ethan’s existence until now, so he can’t be faulted for his absence if he allegedly stepped up as soon as he found out.”
“What do we do?”
My instincts tell me that having a guy like JD for a boyfriend has to carry some weight, right? Though at the first hearing, the judge didn’t exactly seem thrilled at the prospect of JD and me living together unmarried. And I suppose I’d have to actually claim JD as my boyfriend in public for his reputation to help, which I’ve ironically been avoiding for Ethan’s sake all this time.
Then again, all of this may be irrelevant since I told JD to give me space and kicked him out of my house last night.
Blake clears his throat as I choke back another sob. “You can continue to show the court that you’re putting down roots in Camellia and hope Ethan chooses you at the hearing. But that’s about it.”
“Can’t we at least make Ethan come home for now?”
“Technically, you do still hold temporary custody. But I don’t recommend exercising those rights unless Ethan is in danger. It can be traumatic for a kid to be removed from a home when they don’t want to leave, regardless of age.”
“Oh. So…all I can do is wait?” My heart sinks again.
“Basically. And since the judge warned you he wouldn’t make your arrangement permanent if there was any chance of Ethan being reunited with his father, I’m afraid your next hearing will be pointless. We’ll likely be settling things on the date set in these papers instead, which is over a month away.”
“That sneaky son-of-a…” I trail off. “He did this on purpose, to give himself enough time to make it look like he’s a perfect father and to trick Ethan into staying, didn’t he?”
He sighs. “I’m afraid so. Look, Tenley, I’m sorry I didn’t pick up on all this sooner, and I know it seems hopeless, but I believe you’ll at least get some visitation rights. And who knows? Maybe E will be happy there. I mean, I don’t particularly care for Ryan, but I don’t think he would hurt Ethan. He’ll spoil him with gifts and private-school tuition, and you’ll still get to see Ethan here and there without having to sacrifice your lifestyle for the next few years.”
I huff. “Am I supposed to be relieved by that, like I’m off the hook now?”
“Isn’t that what you want? To go back to your old life in Texas?”
What I want right now is to call Blake a few choice names and hang up on him, but I still need his help. And I figure he’s only being pissy because he found out about the way I left things with JD.
“I’m sorry if I ever gave anyone that impression, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I want Ethan back here with me more than anything, and I have no intention of leaving Camellia any time soon.”
He sounds tired as he speaks again. “Then your best bet is to continue building your reputation as a stable parent and strengthening your roots in the community. Like I said before, I’m sure you’ll at least get some visitation. But ultimately, it’ll come down to Ethan’s wishes at the hearing, unless one of you can prove your household is more fit than the other. And Ryan’s already winning.”
I bite my lip as I try to keep myself from breaking down again. “Okay. Well, thanks. I appreciate all your help.” It probably sounds more sarcastic than I intend, since I’m only seconds away from a complete meltdown.
Blake bids me a curt goodbye, and I throw my phone down as soon as the call is over. I cover my face with my hands and let the feelings of helplessness overwhelm me for a few minutes. I want to wallow for a while longer, but I remember that my patients are waiting at the hospital, so I pull myself together before spending the rest of my Friday afternoon in the L&D ward.
By the time I get home that evening, I can barely keep my eyes open. I throw on an oversized gray hoodie and leggings, then stagger to my bed before falling asleep face down.
* * *
I wake the next morning to a barrage of missed texts, most of them from Loren, one from JD, and none of them from Ethan, though I can’t bring myself to check any of them.
I wipe my cheeks with the heel of my hand. Of course I’m crying again. It seems like it’s the only thing I can do well anymore. Then I stumble into the kitchen, my hands trembling as I try to pour myself a cup of coffee, replaying everything in my mind for the hundredth time, at least.