Page 12 of Third and Ten

She nods again and fidgets with that bottom lip between her teeth for a second, making my stomach flutter. The longer I’m around her, the worse off I become.

“Yeah, I’ll do that,” she says after a while, eyeing me skeptically. “Have a good night, Coach JD.”

“You too, Ms. Tenley,” I return, raising my window. “See you around.”

I heave out another sigh as I shift my truck into reverse, but I have to slam on my brakes once I realize I’m mere inches away from bumping Mr. Jude’s old truck. I mutter a few bad words, my heart thumping after the near accident. Then I steal a quick glance in the rearview mirror to find that Tenley is watching with a hand over her mouth, stifling her amusement. I shake my head and curse my stupidity a few more times before I finally reach the road.

Will I ever be safe from making a complete and total fool of myself in front of her?

Not likely.

But at least I was able to gather more information from our exchange. I review a list of findings as I turn down my road and remind myself that as long as Tenley is coming around to see Ethan play football, I’m thereby granted the opportunity to see and interact with her. And since football season is just getting started, there should be plenty of opportunities.

Then again, maybe she really isn’t interested in dating and only wants to be friends. Or maybe she isn’t interested in me at all, beyond being politely appreciative of my caring for Ethan.

I walk into my house and throw my keys onto the kitchen island. Stopping to grab a beer from the fridge, I take a sip and run a hand over my face as I lean back against the counter. I’m going to need better advice than an inexperienced teenage boy can offer if I want to successfully get Tenley to give me the time of day. Reluctantly, I slip my phone from my back pocket and start a new text thread.


*white flag emoji*

I need help.


LOL. What’s wrong, Coach Thirsty? Miss Aunt Tenley still isn’t falling for your golden-boy charm and your big muscles?

I groan. I knew seeking advice from my brother would be painful, but he’s the only person I trust with this. He could have at least pretended not to know what I was going to ask or even spared me the “Coach Thirsty” reference, though.


Ha ha. Laugh it up while you can. But don’t think I won’t remember this when you eventually find the woman who doesn’t immediately fall for your “charm.”

And yes, I am willing to admit that I’m in over my head.


First of all, the day when I need your help to get a woman will *never* come.

But what’s the big deal about Tenley Robin, anyway? Idgi. Don’t get me wrong, she’s hot, but you usually care more about personality, and you hardly even know her. She seems a little stuck up, especially for you.


Honestly, Idk. I just can’t stop thinking about her, and that doesn’t really happen too often for me.

Besides, you’re the one who’s always trying to get me to go on more dates.


I guess.

So, how did you strike out this time?

I give Blake a play-by-play of my conversation with Tenley and Ethan’s failed attempts to get her to consider giving me a shot, hoping he has some sort of magic formula to make Tenley change her mind. Because if there’s anything my brother’s good at, it’s getting women to notice him.


She’s probably just got too much going on. You know how women can do that amazing thing where they block out sex and focus on important stuff.