Page 103 of Third and Ten

“Yeah, I guess,” I answer, my voice almost squeaky. Did someone turn up the heat in this area of the hotel? It’s certainly feeling stuffy in here.

“JD has always been kind and generous to a fault,” he says. “But I honestly can’t remember the last time he went on a second date with anyone, and I’ve never seen him as nervous and giddy as he is around you…or as happy. Hence, this conversation.”

I stare down at the table, trying to process. What hold could I possibly have on JD? And what has he been telling his brother about us?

Blake stands and scoots his chair in. “Just be careful, would you?”

I press my lips together. “I will.”

He walks away, leaving me to consider my own intentions with JD. I glance down at my breakfast, but I’ve lost my appetite. There have been too many heavy conversations already today, leaving me emotionally drained before nine in the morning. The stress over the physical aspect of our relationship, my self-doubt regarding our future, the conflict with Ethan, and now the tension with Blake are all overwhelming, the pressure building as soon as I realize there was never really any chance for JD and me to just date. Given the circumstances, we’ve basically signed up for a semi-serious relationship by default.

And all of this is exactly why I avoided dating in the first place. I still don’t trust myself to have the mental and emotional capacity to handle losing my dad, becoming a parent, rebuilding my career, and maintaining a relationship, all at the same time. Unfortunately, that means some of Blake’s concerns are valid. I’m afraid once I get overwhelmed, I’ll end up brushing my love life aside, and JD is more than worthy of my time and attention.

Though, so far, JD has been getting a whole lot of my time and attention. I wonder what it signifies after I tally up the unconscious energy I’ve been devoting so far to thinking about him and being with him.

I give up on eating and stop at Ethan’s table to hand him my mostly untouched food, which he gladly accepts. Then my phone chimes, so I reach into my pocket to retrieve it as I leave the lobby.


So, idk if you’re aware, but there’s a really great stairwell here.

And taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great way to incorporate cardio into your daily schedule.


Is that so?


Yep. I know you don’t care for exercise, but it’s good for your heart.


And you’re worried about my heart?


Way more than I should admit. *red heart emoji*

I look up from my phone to find myself staring at the elevators, the door leading to the stairs just off to the side.

Elevators are efficient and quick, while stairs require more work but are better for the heart. I fiddle with my lip, knowing that I’m doing some extreme overanalyzing and that a decision between taking the elevator or the stairs shouldn’t feel so symbolic. Then I sigh, deciding that my heart could use the workout.

I reluctantly open the door to the stairwell, glad that no one seems to be around to witness as I set out to climb the four flights to my room. But once I reach the second floor, I’m surprised to see JD sitting on the stairs, fidgeting with his phone. He stands as soon as he spots me, a smile spreading over his entire face and melting me from the inside out.

“I was hoping you’d get the hint,” he says shyly, reaching out to grab my hand and pull me closer. I realize he was just trying to get me to sneak away with him, but the fact that I took his advice without knowing he’d be waiting for me registers in the back of my mind. And then all that serious cognitive stuff ceases once his lips brush the inside of my wrist.

“I suppose you’re hoping to convince me that you just need a quick kiss for luck?” I ask, since my body seems to have its own ideas again.

“Nope. I wasn’t planning on asking for anything quick.”

I don’t even notice that he’s slowly backed me up against the wall until he plants his feet and reaches a hand up over my head to brace himself. Then he leans in and presses his lips to mine. He inhales deeply, as if he’s been underwater and I’m the first breath of air on the surface.

My hands fly up to his collar as he deepens the kiss. I’m surprised at his urgency, and of course my body reacts by upping the ante, my hips rolling away from the safety of the wall as if they’re magnetically drawn to his.

He groans and uses his free hand to palm my backside and pull me even closer against him, and his mouth begins trekking down my neck. The way he’s able to handle me so easily with his super strength makes me shiver. But then again, there isn’t much about him that wouldn’t turn me on in my current state.

“Tenley,” he rasps. “I don’t think it’s the pheromones.”