Page 82 of Third and Ten


“We really appreciate everyone in Camellia for coming out to support us tomorrow night, and we hope to make y’all proud,” JD calls out over the large crowd in the hotel lobby and receives an enthusiastic response.

I bite my lip and smile coyly when our eyes meet across the room. He grins back, his dimples barely visible now that his beard has filled in again. “The team will have a quiet buffet dinner down the road in a couple of hours, and while everyone is invited, we ask that you allow the team to sit together as they prepare for game day. Boys, I’ll give you a half-hour to get settled in. The bus leaves for the Bossier State University practice field at two o’clock sharp.”

There’s another rumble of excited chatter while everyone disperses, and some of the assistant coaches help JD hand out room keys to the players while their parents check in nearby. I sense him glancing my way again, and I turn in time to see him elbow his brother in the ribs. Blake laughs heartily, and whatever he’s saying makes JD’s ears turn red.

I walk over just as Ethan makes it to the front of the line, giving me a good excuse to approach them. “Why do I get the feeling I was just the punchline of an inappropriate joke?” I whisper loudly.

“Because you’ve already met my brother,” JD retorts, shooting Blake a warning glare.

“I was just encouraging Coach Thirsty here to ask for your spare key—you know, so he can pay you a visit later tonight,” Blake explains. “He’s got us sharing a room, although I feel like we’re too mature for the whole ‘sock on the doorknob’ game.”

I watch JD roll his eyes and shove Blake back with his shoulder. “How about you grow up and quit saying that crap in front of everyone,” he demands gruffly, gesturing toward Ethan.

“Whatever you say, boss.” Blake grins, making JD’s jaw twitch.

“It’s fine, Coach. I’ve gotten used to being grossed out by you guys. But could you at least try to control yourselves this weekend?” Ethan grumbles before he takes his key card and walks off.

To be fair, our affection probably does seem excessive from his point of view. JD and I have been spending a considerable amount of time together over the past month, and since my dad’s health has taken a turn for the worse and we obviously can’t go out around Camellia, we’ve mostly been relegated to my parents’ house, save for a few Saturday-night dates out of town.

This means JD and I have to get creative when we want privacy, and Ethan’s had the unfortunate (and allegedly scarring) experience of interrupting us every time we disappear down the hallway or sneak out to JD’s truck for a short make-out session. I can imagine the kid has also had his fill of JD’s tendency to maintain constant physical contact or flirt with me from across the room, even though I surprisingly can’t get enough of it.

JD glances at Ethan’s retreating form before looking up at me apologetically. “Ignore Blake. He’s just pissy because we’re sharing a room to make more space for the fans.”

I’m not exactly sure what comes over me, but I’m suddenly determined to help JD get the best of his brother this time. “Well, I happen to think that’s really sweet of you, Coach,” I declare, reaching out to hand him a sheet of paper. “Oh, and here’s that permission slip for Ethan. I’m sorry I forgot to turn it in earlier.”

He furrows his brow, obviously confused, but takes the hotel receipt tentatively. “Thanks, I guess,” he murmurs. But his posture straightens as soon as his fingers connect with the plastic card beneath the decoy paper. He clears his throat awkwardly as he folds the receipt and tucks it into his back pocket. Then his widened eyes meet mine, and he presses his lips together to keep himself from smiling.

“Have a good night, Ms. Tenley. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

“Maybe you will,” I turn and glare at Blake, and I can tell he’s dying to add his own saucy commentary. Then I wheel my suitcase around toward the elevators, swaying my hips as I walk away.

I shake my head as soon as the elevator doors close, surprised at myself. I didn’t exactly mean to give JD the impression that he’s going to score tonight, but I realize that’s exactly what I’ve done with my uncharacteristically bold gesture, and a shiver runs down my spine.

While I was able to hold my feelings for JD at bay for a while, since allowing myself to like him—and kiss him—my willpower has become practically nonexistent. It’s probably lucky for me that we’re so rarely unchaperoned at home and that we haven’t had to enforce any boundaries due to the lack of opportunity. I’m not sure I trust myself to maintain propriety if he shows up at my door later.

The elevator dings as the doors open again, and a group of boys trickles out, whispering and smirking at me. “Bye, Ms. Tenley,” one of them drawls. I smile and wave sweetly at them, still floored by the idea that most of Ethan’s teammates knew about JD’s crush on me before I did.

I continue to the fifth floor, stepping out into a hallway already teeming with Camellia High parents and fans. I greet a few of them politely as I manage to find my room. Then I immediately pull out my phone to set the record straight.


So…I know that was kind of forward of me just now. But I saw the opportunity to stroke your ego in front of your brother and couldn’t help myself. *smirking face emoji*



I just spit water on a kid.

Please stahp texting me while I’m in public. I’m embarrassing myself. I can’t keep looking this whipped in front of the team.


Lol. Sorry. It was a figure of speech. My lips are sealed.