*face with rolling eyes emoji*
So, what has Ethan requested for dinner?
Pork stew with corn bread, of course.
Wow, last week you said you’d never be desperate enough to go out with me, and now you’re trying to seduce me? Women…
Before I know it, I’m twirling my ponytail around my finger and grinning down at the phone when one of the medical assistants walks into the break room. She stops and glares at me, probably thinking I look ridiculous, so I excuse myself and duck into a filing room to continue texting JD.
I’m sorry…that was supposed to be a joke.
I should have just asked what to bring to dinner.
And look, I understand what you meant the other night. I apologize for coming on so strong before, and I promise I’ll do my best to stop making things weird.
Well, shit.
Apparently, I’m such a jerk that JD assumed my silence meant he’d offended me, and even though this started out as my apology to him, he’s the one saying he’s sorry. It’s just another reminder that I shouldn’t be having flirty text conversations in the first place.
You’re fine. See you this evening? Don’t worry about bringing anything.
I’ll be there.
Of course, Tenley would wait until I’ve officially given up on her to invite me to dinner.
I’ve spent the past week avoiding her and even trying not to think about her, only allowing myself to replay the memory of her telling Ethan that “it’s not gonna happen” until it starts to sink in. Because I’ve been wrong all this time, mistaking that tug she makes me feel in my chest for something stronger. Regardless of where these feelings originated or how much they’ve grown, I’ve to come to accept the fact that Tenley and I aren’t going to be together. Pining after her has been so damned frustrating, and I’m tired of trying to figure out what she wants. I’ve finally convinced myself to let her go, once and for all, and then her name pops up on my phone in the middle of class.
Then all that “leave Tenley alone” stuff is instantly forgotten, and my heart is hammering at the mere idea of seeing her again. I know I was stupid for thinking I could talk myself out of wanting her, but I also can’t keep doing this to myself. I’ll just have to settle for being Tenley’s friend…her pathetic but loyal friend who’s always available to help change a flat tire because he’ll be spending the rest of his life alone.
Luckily, I’m able to respond to her text while my students are taking a test. And even though I probably come off entirely too eager once again, at least I get a more sincere apology from her. I also vow not to hit on her anymore, and I’m determined to uphold my promise for both our sakes.
No one complains when I end practice a little early that afternoon, and Ethan rushes by me on his way out, barely stopping long enough to flash a wide grin and a set of keys, proving he’ll no longer be needing my help to get home. I have to check my emotions once I realize we won’t really have an excuse to hang out anymore, but I paste on a smile as I congratulate him and assure him that I’ll be there for dinner. Then, I grab a shower at home and stop at the gas station for a gift card before heading to the Robins’.
I take a fortifying breath as I knock on the door, reminding myself that I’m only here for Ethan and not because I’m a hopeless fool. His grandmother opens it a second later.
“Come on in, Coach.” She leans in to press her cheek against mine for an air kiss.
“Thanks, Mrs. T,” I reply, genuinely glad to be welcomed into their home. I walk around to the living room, greeting Mr. Jude next. He seems to be in good spirits, and we talk football for a few minutes until Mrs. T comes back to administer a dose of medicine.
I excuse myself and follow the scent of roux into the kitchen. My breath hitches at the sight of Tenley in front of the stove. It isn’t even fair that she should be a great cook on top of everything else. I clear my throat to alert her to my presence, ignoring the urge to walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.
“Hey. Need any help?”