“Well, let’s just say I’m glad I got that power nap during the fourth quarter last night.”
“Did something happen?”
I hand him the plated waffle, and he thanks me before drowning it in syrup and chocolate chips. It’s hard not to be jealous of the amount of calories the man consumes every day.
“We had a temporary hiccup. But we were able to talk it out.”
“What do you mean?” I furrow my brow, taking the second waffle for myself.
“I ran into him on the way back to my room. Apparently, he was going up to check on you because you weren’t answering your phone.”
I sigh. “And he was upset about us…being together last night?”
He pauses and licks his lips. “He was.”
“Oh. I wouldn’t have expected that.”
“Honestly, I’ve been kind of surprised it hasn’t bothered him yet,” JD replies. “But I think he was only acting out because he’s having a hard time dealing with everything else going on.” He turns and glances around, quietly motioning toward the side where Ethan is walking into the lobby with a group of friends. “Look, I don’t want to betray his confidence, but I think it’s important for you to know that he’s a lot more insecure about the custody situation than he’s been letting on. And that he’s not going to take it very well when…” He trails off and meets my eyes with a sympathetic look.
I nod, pressing my lips together. “Thanks for the heads-up. And thank you for talking to him last night.”
“Anytime.” He hesitates for a second, probably trying to decide whether it’s worth having breakfast together in public. “Do you have any plans today?”
I shrug, then I follow Ethan’s expression as he notices the two of us together. He looks a little more downcast than usual, but he forces a smile when he sees that I’m watching him, and heads my way. “Probably just going to check out the mall and do some Christmas shopping.” I clear my throat as Ethan approaches.
“Have fun. I’ll text you later?”
I pout inwardly. I guess I expect a little flirting or at least some teasing after our “date” last night, but JD almost seems distant. And I’ve gotten so used to his relentless pursuit that I’m slightly disappointed he isn’t at least asking me to sneak away with him.
“Yeah. Good luck, if I don’t see you before the game.”
He smiles and turns to walk away, wordlessly trading fist bumps with Ethan. Their familiarity makes my heart swell, and I’m even more curious about what went down last night.
“Morning, Aunt Ten,” Ethan greets me. “How are the waffles?”
“Not sure yet, but they smell good. Would you like one?”
“Yeah, thanks. Two?”
“So, are you ready for the game?” I attempt to make small talk while I restart the irons. I may as well be wearing a Waffle House visor and an apron this morning.
“Oh, for sure.”
“That’s good.” We stand there in a cloud of awkward silence until the machines beep again.
He sighs as I hand him a plate. “I guess Coach JD briefed you on what happened last night.”
“He mentioned that you ran into each other and that you were upset because I hadn’t been answering my phone, which I’m really sorry about.”
“It’s fine.” He clears his throat. “He told me that he’d talked to you and that you were okay.”
I nod, neither of us willing to admit that we know more than that. “Do you need anything at all today?”
“Uh, no, I’m good. I think we’re supposed to go back to BSU for practice, then get some lunch and hang out here at the hotel for the afternoon.”
“Oh, okay. Cool. Well, let me know when you make it back. I planned on going shopping to pass the time, so I can pick up some snacks or something for you and your friends, if you’d like.”
“Thanks.” He smiles warmly and turns toward the others.