Page 86 of Retribution

I planned on attending today alone, but Lola insisted that I bring Reed along. I swear she is rooting for my love life more than her own. Bridget is taking care of Willow for the weekend whilst we’re away for the night, we’re two hours away from home and I already had a room booked here, apart from it was meant to be with Scott.

Surely it won’t cause any harm, if anything being seen publicly together will help our ‘relationship’ along.

Surprisingly, I ended up calling Harrison yesterday. He knew who I was as soon as he picked up. My guess is he actually already had my number, he probably swiped my contact details from the contract. I’ve invited him to come over once we’re home, unbeknownst to Reed. Reed still hasn’t fully opened up to me about the situation with his family, he usually skims over it and describes his relationship with his family as ‘strained’. But there’s got to be more to the story than that.

In regards to family drama, my mother is also here. I’ve kept my distance and barely acknowledged her except to ensure that her flute is only filled up with the alcohol-free champagne. We’ve placed a small red tape around the rim of each alcohol-free bottle and removed labels so that nobody gains suspicion of Lola’s pregnancy, so it works out even better that we can keep our mother sober.

My big sisterly duty is to ensure that today runs as smoothly as possible and Lola has the wedding that she’s always dreamed of.

The wedding planner rushes in, a dense folder in her arms and she looks at us still in ‘Bridal Party’ pajamas.

“Girls! Why are we not dressed?” Her high pitch making me wince.

Why do they always give the impression of hyper chihuahuas?

“We’re just about to.” I offer a reassuring smile, hoping to relieve her blood pressure a little bit.

I glance over at Lola and she looks absolutely incredible, the stylist is adding a few diamantes to her loose french braid and after that it’ll be dressing time.

“So Indie, I’ve heard you’ve got a new boy toy,” Dear Mother’s whiny voice curses my ears.

“Celia, as much as I appreciate you acting like you care, I don’t. Please don’t ask about my personal life when you are not part of it.” I bite out, not wanting to engage in conversation with her longer than needs be.

“Oh, but what happened to dear old Scotty? He was great, I really liked him. What did you do for him to leave you – Wait. I bet I can guess. You spent too much time at that silly little dance school.” She snarls at me.

Well, this woman certainly knows how to press my buttons.

In all honesty, I haven’t even thought about Scott or his mistress in a long while.


I briefly remember the conversation Reed had on the phone in his office, my mind was a little preoccupied from the events that followed.

Faye. Yes, the lovely redhead that uprooted my entire life, is employed by Reed, or so I suspect.

“Like I said, just keep out of it.”

Me and Lola exchange looks in the mirror and oddly enough, I know I have to be the bigger person in this situation, despite her supposedly being a ‘mature’ adult. She acts like a gossiping teenager that is trying to stir up trouble for a little bit of drama.

I turn away and walk up behind Lola, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“You look absolutely stunning sis. Greg, is one lucky man.” I beam.

“Oh stop, it’s too early for tears!” she sobs, fanning her face to try and dry up the water in her eyes.

She stands in her white silk robe, her skin a shade darker than usual thanks to her spray tan.

We all gather around the buffet table and I take the opportunity to fill up five flutes with champagne, filling up Lola’s and my mother’s with a red tape bottle, first.

She is still completely unaware which makes things a lot easier.

“Let’s have a toast!” I gesture to the glasses and begin to hand them out, using the mental note of whose drink is whose.

“To Lola, who is about to lose her thorns!” I joke, making reference to her soon to be name change. We all clink glasses and cheer, taking a sip.

“Girls you have five minutes to get into your dresses before I kick you out of here without them!” The wedding planner is back.

Rolling my eyes, I go into the closet to retrieve my dress, unzipping it from the overcoat as the stunning gold silk dress hangs on the plush hanger. The color is phenomenal and makes my green eyes pop.