My mouth is dry and making it hard to swallow, but I try anyway. I don’t even know what to say, so I do the one thing that I hate, the thing I despise.
I offer him my sympathy.
He shrugs it off like it’s not a big deal but his eyes are slightly glazed over.
We pull up to the entrance of my driveway and he puts the car in park.
“Look, I know it’s not my place, but you reminded me a lot of myself tonight. Lost in your own head too much to realize what you’ve got right in front of you. Coming from a man who didn’t have a chance to put it right, you need to quit the drinking.”
I look at him and feel a strange pull in my heart, the sincerity of his words playing over and over.
“When the time comes, I’d happily be your sponsor,” he offers.
I let out a dry laugh and look up at him again, his face stone cold serious. I stop my laughing and nod.
“Here.” He reaches in front of me opening the glove compartment and retrieving a card.
I take it from him and see it’s an AA group located right here in Buckhead, a few blocks away from my office.
I twiddle the card in my hands as he stares down at me.
“Just think about it.” He offers a tight smile, the first I’ve seen tonight.
“Thanks, and for the ride.”
I exit the car and stalk towards the gates of the driveway, noticing they’re still unlocked.
Releasing a pent up breath, I push them open, offering a small wave to Devon as he pulls away.
I walk up to the door and fumble with my keys for a moment, finally unlocking it and pushing it open. Locking it behind me, I chuck my keys into the bowl, meeting the dark expanse of the house.
It’s eerily silent and the shadows from the exterior lights offer an assortment of shapes across the walls. I remove my shoes and start to ascend the marble staircase.
Our bedroom door remains closed, and I stop, turning around and look directly across into Willow’s bedroom. The fairy lights are still on, lighting up the room with a warm glow, like it’s waiting for her, waiting for her to come home.
I bow my head and close her door, not wanting to be taunted by the fact she’s not here.
Creaking open our bedroom door, the room is in complete blackness.
My eyes take a few seconds to adjust, and I can make out the boundaries of our bed. I take off my cuff links and blazer, setting them on the dressing table, unbuttoning my shirt, enjoying the silence for a while.
Once I’ve completely stripped to nothing, I walk around to my side of the bed.
I almost go to dive into it but that’s when I notice it.
Indie is wrapped around my pillow, her grip tight and her body is not even under the covers. She is still dressed in her pantsuit from today and I swear my heart breaks for the second time today.
I get onto my knees and crouch before her, her breaths slow and steady. Her hair is spread around her, her eyes look puffy, the black rings around them have bled onto my pillow. Her lips are squashed against the pillow, her breaths fanning across my face and I inhale the sweet scent.
Oh, Reed, why have you fucked up again?
Instead of waking her, I go around to her side of the bed and climb in. I pull the covers back enough to tuck her underneath with me. She stirs slightly, but not enough to wake up. Pulling the pillow from her grip, she flinches until I use those arms to wrap around my stomach. I lay her head on my chest and she snuggles into me, pressing her body flush with mine. Staring up at the ceiling, I rub my hands over her shoulder, trying to lull her back into a deep sleep.
Closing my eyes, I feel a newfound certainty.
I’m going to take Devon up on his offer.
Chapter 25