Reed sits beside me on the circular table, he’s been obsessed with me in this dress, insisting that I need to wear something similar to the city hall. I told him that I actually want to sign our marriage papers before I’m shoved into a janitor closet so he can have his way with me.
I haven’t given much thought to what I’ll actually wear to the city hall, I assumed I’d opt for something a lot more casual but you only get married once right? Ha, maybe not so in my case.
The clinking of a glass draws the rooms attention as Greg stands up with his drink, his suit jacket now draped over the back of his chair.
“Good evening, everyone. I’d just like to begin by saying how incredible today has been and it would never have been anything close without my beautiful wife beside me.” The crowd awes at his sweet words.
“Thank you, to everyone who came out to celebrate this special day with us, it’s been an important factor to our planning to have our family here, both me and Lola are huge on family and we can’t wait to begin our lives together as a married couple.”
Reed grips my hand and squeezes it as the tingling sensation works its way up my arm, connecting straight to my heart.
“But, I do have something to show you all.”
We all look around in confusion. I of course, play along.
The projector screen switches from a slideshow of pictures of Lola and Greg from all walks of life to a sonogram image displaying the tiny baby, with surprisingly distinguishable features. It has a tiny little button nose and puckered lips, its legs are stretched out long.
The room erupts into celebration as Greg turns around and gives Lola the squeeze of her life, kissing her and then her tummy as she stands up proudly. We applaud and Greg receives numerous pats on the back from his groomsmen and the shaking of hands.
“Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of those.” Reed coughs, his demeanor slightly awkward.
“It’s adorable, isn’t it?” I stare fondly at the image of my tiny niece or nephew, my eyes glistening as my lip trembles.
My baby sis is going to have a baby of her own.
“It’s even better when it’s your own.” Reed speaks with confidence.
I pull my lips into a tight smile, knowing it will be years before I get to experience it, if ever.
“I bet.” My voice is clipped, not wanting to focus on it for any longer.
Our attention is seized by the woman that brought me into this world. She seats herself on the other side of Reed, further away from me. Her blinding yellow outfit makes it impossible to not notice her as the contrast of her vibrant pink lipstick makes me cringe.
“To what, do we owe the pleasure?” I snarl, already knowing her sour intentions.
“Oh, Indie. Is that how we speak to our darling mothers these days?” She counteracts. Reed looks up at me with wide eyes, realizing exactly who she is.
I’ve told Reed countless stories about my childhood as they all pretty much link to why I’m so dead-set on doing everything myself and not accepting handouts. Well, until I met Reed.
“You must be Reed.” My mother fixates on him, looking him up and down with a tantalizing look.
“Yes, indeed. Reed Breckenridge, and you are?”
I practically spit out my drink at his sarcastic response, knowing how much that will make her blood boil. She scowls at me and sits up straighter.
“Celia Thorne, the one and only.”
She offers out her hand for him to kiss. I roll my eyes and slurp on my vodka and coke, turning my nose up at the fact she still uses my father’s last name, yet she’s remarried. Reed takes her hand and is his usual charming and charismatic self, he places a soft kiss on the upper side of her hand, causing her to blush. I roll my eyes again.
“Is that an engagement ring?” she squawks.
I really do not want to be having this conversation right now, and with her of all people.
“Indeed, it is.” Reed answers for me and brings my hand with the ring on into his, threading our fingers together.
She peers down at our hands, the wheels turning in her brain.
“Oh, I am so terribly sorry to hear about your late wife, Reed. You must be heartbroken. I can assure you from my experience getting married to the first girl who shows you attention isn’t going to be a quick fix and I’m speaking from experience!” She chuckles and takes a sip of her wine.