Page 3 of Retribution

She lets out a laugh, dotting her lips with a napkin at the same time, “Object or not Reed, she is my daughter and I know that your busy work schedule will be a huge issue for your case. The job you treasure so much will be your biggest hindrance.”

My lips part as I try to re-evaluate this situation. My brain is currently thinking of all of the ways that I can sow her mouth shut so as not to hear her speak anymore.

“And we both know what you’ll choose between them, your job or your daughter, Reed? The ball is in your court.” She reaches down to pick up her bag and as she stands up, her crimson colored body-con wraps to her, leaving little to the imagination.

“You don’t mind paying for the bill, do you? I suppose that’s all you’ve ever been good for.” She spits at me, strutting obnoxiously past me and out of the restaurant.

Releasing the knife, I didn’t realize I had gripped so tightly inside of my hand, a wave of relief immediately washes over me at the lack of her presence.

I chew on the inner side of my cheek, pondering over how I can make this situation disappear, how this can all be stopped. Losing Willow or my job is despicable, to even compare the two as if they are the same.

Can you imagine if I had done this to her? If I had made a mother choose between her job and her child, the world would be in absolute uproar, and I’d be burned at the stake.

It is completely unfair the lack of support and favor for fathers, who tend to be the providers for the family, leaving them at a complete disadvantage in the eyes of the law.

Yes, maybe I can’t attend every father-daughter day. Maybe I can’t attend all her parent evenings, but does that make me less of a parent than those who do? I’m at risk of losing custody of my child just because I have a career. But, there’s no way that’s happening.

Not if I have anything to do with it.

Chapter 2


It’s a Saturday, why am I being awoken from my precious beauty sleep?

I begin to stretch out my arms and legs, kicking the blankets from my body, as I reach for my phone, vibrating on my night stand.

3 missed calls and 2 text messages.

I swipe across the screen to uncover who it is that desperately needs me this early in the morning.

(Lola): Please tell me you have not forgotten about today! You said you’d be here!

(Gracie): Lola is freaking out, pls call her xx

I draw my eyebrows together, confused about the urgency. I dial Lola’s number and it only needs to ring twice before she picks up.

“Indie Thorne, you are one huge pain in my ass.”

I whine as I’m stretching once again, waiting for Lola to fill me in on the reasoning behind her stressful outburst.

“I’m freaking out, I have waited 8 months for this appointment everyone is here but you –”

My hearing shuts off as my brain becomes crowded with the internal cussing at myself. Sitting upright in the bed, I swing my legs over the side.

“Lola, I’ll be there in 20 minutes,” and I cut the phone call off.

If I decided to take a look at the world around me for a second, then maybe I wouldn’t be so ignorant. Just maybe.

There are pros and cons to being the eldest sister, getting the final say so, getting the fresh clothes and getting to be the one to break all of the rules. Cons? Well yeah, the responsibility.

I climb out of bed and rush to the bathroom to make myself appear less zombie looking.

Why didn’t I remember? I have been so preoccupied lately with the upcoming show for my ballet girls that I didn’t even remember my own sister’s wedding dress appointment. She’s been dreaming of choosing her wedding dress from this designer since she was thirteen years old, and here I am, almost ruining her day.

I turn on the faucet and splash some water onto my face and dry it with a hand towel. I take a glance at myself in the mirror, the dark circles around my eyes are prominent. I need to work on getting my eight hours of sleep each night, but it’s hard whilst running your own business independently.

Rushing around to give some life to my dull complexion, I think about if I’d have just got up earlier, I might have been able to make myself look a bit more presentable.