Everett is the first to speak up, “Ah, see I grew up here but moved away for college. About two years ago, I came back for an internship in the city. It didn’t work out and somehow got involved in motocross. I’ve been competing in the Supercross here in Atlanta ever since. But I’m in and out of town a lot,” he confesses.
It explains the heavily patched denim jacket, the icons now becoming familiar.
“Impressive.” I purse my lips in admiration.
I’ve watched the annual motocross in Hampton many a times when I was in college. Me, Harrison and our buddies used to visit and turn it into a sick overnight trip.
“Pilot.” Devon says, with no extra information.
I cock my head at him and he looks at me intensely, his almost black eyes piercing into my own.
Well, I suppose that’s all he’s going to say.
“Okay, well mines going to sound boring now. I work in tech” Blake confesses, rolling his eyes.
His words actually manage to draw a laugh from me, catching him by surprise.
“So, you’re all friends?”
They look between each other and a quiet laugh is passed between them before Devon speaks up, “Yeah, you could say that.”
Sarah comes over with the glasses and the diet coke, leaning down for an extra long time as she slides the cups into the middle of the table. Devon leans back and checks her out from behind and his face looks unimpressed. He sits back up straight and chooses to blank the woman as she tries to gain his attention.
“I’m assuming your taste in women is better than his?” Everett points a thumb at Devon beside him and grimaces, noting the fact I kept my eyes to myself during the exchange.
“Married.” I say through tight lips and lift my hand up, revealing my wedding ring.
“Oh, let’s see her,” Blake says and I furrow my brows at his eagerness.
“Not like that, I’m just interested in getting to know you.” He offers a polite smile and I unlock my phone.
I select images and see the last photos I had taken on my phone were from the move in day. The picture of all three of us stood in front of the new house, I feel world’s away from that day right now.
I bite my lip and flip the phone around to them, placing it central in the table.
“Ooh damn, she’s hot.”
“You got yourself a looker there, Reed.”
But Devon stays silent, staring at the picture but not saying anything. I look at him, waiting for his response.
“Is that your daughter?” Devon deadpans.
I nod my head slowly as he continues to stare at the photo.
“Are you going to do something about it?” He questions me, genuine curiosity behind it as the other two fight over the whiskey bottle.
“You bet, I’d kill for her.” I state, my face unmoving as I feel the anger fueling my emotions again.
“You seem like a great father.”
I thank him.