“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I cried. “I won’t do it again!”
Andrei paused for a moment.
“What won’t you do again?”
I hesitated.
“Not good enough, Cerise,” he snarled.
I wiggled around, trying to shove him off with my hand, and his belt, with the full force of his arm, came down on the back of my hand.
I howled in pain.
“Keep your hands out of the way!” he barked furiously, as I bit back another cry of pain.
Suddenly he flipped me around on the forest floor to face him, and grabbed my jaw in a tight, cruel grip.
“How fucking dare you do this to me, Cerise? After I didn’t even know if you were dead or alive for the last 5 days.”
Now that I’m facing him, trapped under his big thighs and legs, my ass on fire from being drug across the ground, I can see that his chest is heaving wildly up and down. His rage and fury sends a flame of heat and desire down my body.
His brows are drawn in anger and his grip is like steel. I can barely talk with his hand around my jaw.
“Sorry,” I get out. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
He flicks quick, angry glances at my face, chest, and hands as my arousal grows and I flush with heat.
“No, Cerise, you can’t get out of it that way,” he says, his hands tightening even further on my jaw, his fingers digging into my face.
But my lust is coursing through my body and growing as I see the stiff set of his jaw. I can feel my nipples hardening under my thin T-shirt. Beneath his touch I am panting.
I know he must have been wild with fear for me.
My husband meets my eyes for another long second, his burning gaze boring into me, and his fingers harsh and unforgiving on my body.
Then I saw him throw the belt away and he’s unzipping his pants and reaching for me, grabbing me with greedy hands and driving harshly into my body.
I gasp as he pounds into me, impaling me with a hard, angry cock. My ass is absolutely stinging and sharp with pain, and he drives into me, dragging my ass through the leaves and branches across the forest floor. My arm stings with sharp pain where I cut myself.
He backs up against a tree and drags me up to ride him, my ass screaming with agony as he pulls it across the sticks and leaves.
He sits me on his lap and jerks me down on his cock. I gasp at the feel of it filling me, so fast and hard that for a second I struggle to take the whole thing in my pussy. Then he pulls me forward and I feel the hard length of him, my arousal starting to drip down onto my thighs and his pelvis.
I ride his broad body as heat begins to build in my belly.
He holds me down with a firm hand so I’m forced to grind down hard on his cock.
It’s building a buzz all over my skin.
He kisses me, hard, like a punishment, and I feel his heat and fear, his obsession like a heady buzz.
I ride him, the heat beginning to pool in my core, my pussy alive with need and desire for him.
His hand reaches down and grasps a flexible branch from the forest floor.
I gasp against his mouth as it snaps against my ass.
“Take it,” he growls against my mouth.