“That sounds gross.” My hands were quite literally shaking.

“Bitch, pee in the damn cup.” She yelled from the other side.

I had been here staring at the box like it would eat me. I was at a loss for words, if I was being honest. I was also terrified. If I was pregnant, what would that mean for me and Nate? I loved the guy. We had established that, but we weren’t in a relationship. The man was terrified of commitment, and a baby superseded loyalty. That was a lifetime connection.

Would he even want to be involved with the baby?

I closed my eyes and took a few calming breaths, trying to prepare myself for what I was about to do.

I got to work, took the cup I had been given, and peed in it. I then dipped the test inside and placed it under the box. When I was done, I opened the door for my best friend to come in.

“How long?” She tried to look under the box, but I grabbed her hand.

“Ten minutes. Then I should have a result.” Even my focus was trembling, but Selena just held my hand. She reassured me that regardless of what would show on the screen, we would tackle it one step at a time.

“Have you told Nate you’re taking a test?”

I shook my head. “Why worry him? The test could come back negative. Besides, he’s at work and has another 12 hours on his shift. He doesn’t need this right now.”

That and I was also scared to tell him. The emotions with him were genuine, and now this? It was wild.

The timer I had set on my phone went off.

“Oh my gosh,” I whimpered, clutching my best friend's hand. “I’m scared.”

Selena squeezed my hand. “I’m right here with you.”

I felt like I was going to be sick.

“Hey!” she grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. “Whatever it says, I got you, okay?”


“Now take that box off so we can see what we are dealing with.”

I reached for the blue box and took it off the test.

I didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad. I felt numb within the three seconds it took me to register the big black word.


I was carrying my ex-boyfriend’s brother’s baby, who wanted to be fuck buddies with me.

When I thought about the situation, it was almost comical. Not in a funny way. More of a ‘what the fuck?’ kind of way.

“Holy shit.” My best friend took the words right out of my mouth. “You’re—”

“I’m pregnant.”

Chicago was like the gift that just kept on giving.



“What has you all happy?” Xander grumbled beside me.

We had just clocked out of our 24-hour shift, and now it was time to head home. I, for one, was thrilled. I got to see Amelia.