“Amelia, if you don’t open up, I will be forced to break this door down,” I said after a loud silence. “Amelia!”

It was safe to say I was nervous. She was never like this, and I didn’t have Selena’s number to check on her. I knew Xander would have it, but I was already here.

I took a few steps back, ready to break the door down, but then the knob twisted. It slowly creaked open. Behind it stood a very pale-looking Amelia with a blanket over her body.


Her eyes had dark circles under them, and her face was as white as a ghost. I could see the sweat droplets gathering on her forehead.

“Nate?” Her voice was so weak, her body leaning against the door frame.

I rushed to her side. As soon as my hands touched her skin, I felt the heat. “Jesus, you’re burning up.”

She nodded weakly, her head coming to rest on the door frame. “I’ve been sick all day. It started with a sore throat, and now I—woah. I feel dizzy.”

She tried to move off the frame and head back inside, but I stopped her and scooped her into my arms. She didn’t even protest. Her body just instinctively curled into mine. Her petite frame wracked against me.

“Oh no, Amelia.” I carried her inside and walked us to her bed.

I could see from the state of her studio that she had been in bed all day. Her sheets were rumpled, and the table had uneaten takeout.

I gently placed her on the bed. “Have you seen a doctor?”

She shook her head. “It’s just a bug. I need to sleep it off.”

“And how long have you been sleeping it off?”

She blinked up at me, her eyes barely able to stay open. “What day is it today?”

“Wednesday.” I brushed the strands of her hair away from her face. She didn’t look good at all.

“I got sick on Monday.”

“You texted me and said you were fine on Monday.”

“And I was.” Another shiver wracked her body. “It just went downhill yesterday.”

“You should have called me.” I left and went to her bathroom, where she kept a medicine cabinet. “What have you taken so far?”

“Nothing,” she croaked out.

I stuck my head out of the bathroom. “Are you serious?”

She blinked from her bed. Her mouth made an oh shape. “Yes?”

“You are going to be the death of me one of these days, Amelia.” I went back to the bathroom and got the necessary medication.

I sat back on the bed and gave her the correct dosages to help her fever and pain. I grabbed the cup on her bedside table and helped her sit up. I placed her back against my chest and drew the water to her lips.

“Take the meds, Lia.”

She did as she was told and took the meds, then took the water when I tipped the glass into her mouth. After she was done, she leaned against me, her back melting into my front. She closed her eyes, her hands taking mine and placing them on her stomach.

“You’re here.” It was more of a question rather than a statement.

“I wanted to check on you. You weren’t answering your phone.”

I looked down to see her lips tilting upward slightly. “So you were worried about me then? Awww, does the brooding man have a soft spot for me.”