“Don’t lie. You only ate half of your doughnut, then gave me the rest,” she laughed.

“You were looking at it like a downcast puppy. I was performing a charitable act,” I quipped back.

She slapped me playfully in the chest. “Charitable act? Hmph. And I was not looking like a downcast puppy.”

“Yes, you were.”

“No, I was not.”

“Yes, you were.”

And so began our debate on doughnuts and puppies, and just like that, she had turned my day around in less than an hour. She was becoming a staple in my day-to-day life. I feared that when the day to detach from her came, I wouldn’t be able to do it.



I was floating on cloud nine when I woke up. Nate was under the covers, and his mouth was on my wetness. He sucked and teased me to an orgasm. Then he took me from behind in the shower. We eventually got dressed and ready for our day.

We had built up a routine.

Sex. Getting him to love the same series as me. Talking. More sex. And then cuddle time.

Granted, cuddle time usually turned into more sex. We were insatiable for each other. After spending all of the Christmas holiday together and New Year’s, you would think that hunger for each other would quell, but it didn’t. If anything, I think it got more intense.

Now that we were well into the new year, I felt like a completely different woman. I was having mind-blowing sex with a man who was more complicated than a 10,000-piece jigsaw. There were many layers to the man, but he showed me glimpses of himself occasionally. Those sporadic yet memorable moments were the ones that I lived for.

I didn’t notice Selena approach me outside the store. My mind focused on Nate. It seemed that was all I could focus on nowadays.

I had been standing in the crisp winter air waiting for her. I was sure my nose and cheeks were red from the cold air.

I looked her up and down, taking in her red hair. “New look?”

She fluffed out her wavy red hair and winked. “I thought I would mix it up a bit. My life needed some dramatic flair in it.”

So typical of Selena. She just moved with whatever mood she was in at the time. I wished I could do that too, but my inner control freak would never allow such to occur.

Where she daringly moved outside her box breaking past her comfort zone. I liked to stay within the parameter do predictability and safety.

“Okay, let’s get this housewarming stuff.” She clapped her hands together.

Today was her housewarming party. She had moved into a gorgeous townhouse that I loved. It suited her style so well; in typical Selena fashion, she wanted to throw a party for her ‘house’s birthday party.’ Her words, not mine.

So here I was, being dragged out of my warm, comfy bed on a chilly Saturday morning. If this didn’t show her that I loved her wholeheartedly, then I don’t know what would. I was giving up precious sleep for this. And the way Nate and I had been going at it, I needed time to catch up on sleep.

“Okay, so we will need a variety of cheese, crackers, and other fancy stuff to make it look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. And then we are going to need some alcohol.”

She grabbed her cart and led me down aisle after aisle as she picked things from the shelves.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and when I went to check it, I smiled instantly when I saw the name that flashed across the screen.

Nate: you replaced my shampoo.

I smiled.

Me: I didn’t replace it. I accidentally put mine in your shower and forgot to return yours. Aww, do you smell like cherry blossoms and sweetness?

I would pay to see his reaction when he realized he was using my shampoo. He smelled wonderful, but I was tired of returning to my apartment to get my toiletries, so I stocked up on his.