Page 9 of Her Second Chance

“The woman you end up with is perfection. She embodies everything young women want to be and exactly who men want to be with. You’re happy.”

The way he grins at me makes my insides quiver. I want him. There’s no way to deny how much I’m attracted to him. Too bad I can’t be with him. That’s not why I’m here.

“She sounds horrible. Why would I settle for a trophy wife when I could have you as my prize.” His tongue darts out, tracing his lower lip, and I swear my panties don’t stand a chance.

Warmed to the core by his words, part of me wants to say to hell with Jason and stay right here with Brock. The other part warns me I’m treading in dangerous territory.

I shake my head. “That’s not going to happen. You wind up with the model.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Oh, yeah? And what about you?”

My face falls. “I fuck it all up and end up thirty-one, getting dumped by my fiancé, who I’m not sure I ever really loved.” I shake my head. “I gave up an internship in London for him only to be alone forever.” Tears sting my eyes as I remember just how far off track my life has become.

He stops, turning toward me and grabbing my elbow. “I know we just met, but there is no way a girl like you ends up alone forever. I’m pretty sure guys will beat down the door for a chance at getting your attention. I know I’m going to.” He lets go of me and starts walking again. After a few steps, he stops short and turns back to me. “And any guy worth a damn won’t let you give up London for him.”

I smile, sadly. “In another week, you’re going to be riding high on your new football fame as our star quarterback. I promise you won’t even remember me.” The words may be true, but that doesn’t stop them from souring on my tongue. Why does the thought of him leaving me behind bother me so much?

He scoffs, shaking his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget my future wife.”

I laugh at his silliness, making his grin widen. “I had no idea you were such a charmer, Brock Martin.”

“I like how you say my name.”

“And how is that?”

“You say my name like I’m someone important.” He bites his lower lip, blushing.

I step closer to him. “Because you are.”

He reaches over and squeezes my hand, sending tingles to all my bits before letting go. “You are too, Hannah, whatever your last name is.”

“It’s Carpenter.”

“Hannah Carpenter. I like that.” He rubs his chin, thinking for a moment. “I think I like Hannah Martin even better,” he says, starting to walk again before I can remind him I’m not his type.

We get to the front of my dorm and, as antsy as I am about meeting up with Jason later tonight, I don’t want to say goodbye to Brock. This is the best conversation I’ve had with someone of the opposite sex in a long time. I’d forgotten how nice it feels to be not just flirted with, but listened to.

“Well, Brock Martin, this is where we part ways.” My words may say goodbye, but my body lingers, wanting to prolong my time with him just a bit more.

“It’s been a pleasure, Hannah Carpenter,” he teases, bowing like cartoon royalty.

I grin, biting my lower lip as I nod my agreement. “It really has.”

He walks away and then turns and jogs back to me. “So, I know I’m about to become a football superstar and I’m marrying an actress—“

“Supermodel,” I correct with a laugh.

“Right, supermodel. But I was wondering if maybe you’d give me your phone number? We could hang out before I make it big. You could help keep me humble. Plus, tomorrow night, the athletic dorm serves steak and lobster for dinner. I could bring you with me as my plus one.”

I think about how the first time around, I sat in my dorm room for a week before Jason called me after that first night we hung out because he was the king of playing games. It would be nice to hang out with Brock and keep myself distracted while I wait. Since I know our futures don’t align, what could it hurt?

I tilt my head to the side. “I’m never one to turn down steak and lobster.”

He pumps his fists in victory. “Great. It’s a date.”

I frown, opening my mouth to correct him.

He holds up his hands. “Not a date, date, a friendship date.”