Ford opens his car door for me and trots around to the driver’s side. “He still wants you,” he says after he gets inside.
“It doesn’t matter.” Maybe Samuel’s dreaming of me at night and all the ways he could win me back, or maybe he’s reconciling with his ex-wife, or maybe he’s even hitting the dating scene with someone new—it doesn’t matter. “I don’t want to get back together with him.”
“I think you made that point when you moved to a different town and changed careers.”
“Ugh, seems dramatic when you say it like that. The jilted bride, leaving town to start fresh and find herself.” I stare out the window at the passing trees and couples out for an evening stroll on the walking paths, on their way home before it gets too dark. “All over a guy. Next time, a man is not going to be behind any of my decisions—not where I live, not what I do for work, nothing.” No one but me.
Ford’s quiet for a moment. “Did you tell him that?”
“No. I’m going to ignore the message. Just because he asked doesn’t mean I have to answer.”
“Moving to another state didn’t dissuade him. Maybe you should tell him how you feel. Don’t let him get his hopes up only to then go on with your life like he doesn’t mean anything.” His hand is clenched on the wheel and the relaxed mood from earlier is gone. His gaze bores into the road.
“I packed my bags and moved out of his house, and the one time he tries to come and win me back, I showed you off. My part in not getting his hopes up is done.”
Tension eases out of him. “I know. I guess I don’t know how to react to some dude hitting up my girl. This is new.”
“It’s new for both of us.”
He nods and there’s no more discussion as he drives us back to my place. The words we’ve said roll around in my head. Ford’s not the jealous type.
We said we wanted to date and see where things went between us. Are we already going in different directions?
* * *
“Da. Daddy.”
I roll over and eye the wide-awake toddler in the portable crib by my bed. He didn’t sleep nearly as long as he was supposed to.
“What’s up, buddy?”
Jayden jumps up and down and reaches for me.
I swing my legs over the bed and haul him up. “Food, and then we’ll figure out what to do for the day.”
So far, my first overnight with my son is going okay. Lia came over last night but opted not to stay over. There wasn’t anywhere to put her. She wouldn’t be comfortable sleeping in my bedroom with Jayden until she got to know him better, likewise for my son.
So it was just him and me last night. Other than the bedtime sippy cup debacle, where the only sippy cup Cass packed wasn’t the one he wanted, the night went really smoothly.
In the kitchen, I grab the cup I used to calm him instead of the offensive sippy cup and fill it with apple juice. Setting him in the new high chair I bought because feeding him on my lap was getting too cumbersome for both of us, I start some toast for breakfast.
I send a picture of Jayden covered in jam to Lia.
My alarm clock.
Two hours go by before she replies, Cute, but you set it too early.
The corner of my mouth hitches. I don’t mind. Just like I don’t mind that my girlfriend can sleep all morning while I clean house and Jayden follows me with a small dust rag.
My girlfriend.
Not only do I have a girlfriend, but I spent the weekend with my kid, and earlier this week, I reconnected with my stepsister. The dinner with Karoline and Sergei was a welcome change from any other date I’ve had. Karoline even invited us to a cookout with Ryan and his kids next weekend.
I hope I can bring Jayden. Neither Karoline nor Ryan has met him yet.
Jayden rubs his eyes and I glance at the time. It’s too early for a nap, but he also didn’t sleep on his own mattress. He’s growing tall for a toddler and my sleeping arrangements for him are getting cramped.