Page 82 of A Reckless Memory

Cody sucked in a breath. Austen choked, holding in his sputtering laughter from the delight dancing in his eyes. Eliot’s mood darkened, but I had always thought he thrived on being in a shitty mood. Wilder crossed his arms like he was the one waiting for the answer.

Lawson’s gaze dropped to the sidearm on Wilder’s belt, then drifted to the living room where Barns’s most prized rifles and shotguns were mounted as the centerpiece over the fireplace. The ones he’d used to kill rabid skunks and scare badgers were probably still in the coat closet. Easy grabbing on the way out. There’d been no such thing as gun safety to that man.

Don’t be a fucking idiot. That’s all you need to know, he used to say—about everything.

“I, um, wasn’t talking about a parent’s death, and I’m sorry about that. Look, I can go, but I wanted to check on you. Really.”

He wasn’t welcomed, and he acted like he’d expected to be. I almost felt sorry for him.


I’d low-key hated this guy since I saw the first picture she posted of them together. I’d despised every man I saw pictures of her with.

“You don’t have to leave,” Austen said, failing to hide the delight in his tone. “There’s a reception after, and you can get some food. The gas station’s pizza will give you the shits before you make it to the state line.”

“Fuck’s sake, Austen,” Wilder said. “No one makes it that far.”

Cody briefly closed his eyes like he was willing them to grow up when they were already adults. “Lawson, I’m sure Aggie appreciates you stopping by—”

“Aggie can speak for herself,” I said.

Everyone’s focus turned to me, and I met every pair of eyes one by one. Aggie’s expression was torn between knowing they cared about her and being fed up with the way they railroaded her. Time for the train to stop.

“Thank you, Ansen.” Aggie slipped her hand through mine. “I do appreciate the gesture, Lawson, but after our last conversation, you can see why I’m wondering why you’re really here.”

Lawson’s gaze landed on our linked hands, then how closely Aggie was standing next to me. His focus stroked over her face. Did he realize her still pink cheeks were from an orgasm—one I gave her? “I was concerned about you.”

“How’s my job?” she asked abruptly, the resentment growing in her eyes the longer she had to look at him. “The one you got promoted to after we broke up because coworkers weren’t supposed to date? Yet you complained about how uncomfortable it was until I was asked to move, and you got the promotion.”

“That’s a dick move,” I said in case he thought it was only Aggie who saw his motivations for what they were.

Lawson glared at me. “And who are you?”

“He was paid to marry Aggie years ago,” Eliot answered a little too readily, “but she was pissed about it and broke up with him. Very coldly. And emotionlessly.”

There’d been nothing emotionless about that day.

Cody stroked his freshly shaved jaw. “Don’t suppose you know Aggie’s going to be a rich woman after the will is handled, do you, Lawson?”

Aggie shook her head. “What a coincidence Yellowstone is your favorite show. You love Beth Dutton’s character and maybe my frank tone and ranch upbringing was what had attracted you initially, but you couldn’t handle a fraction of the attitude I had in real life.” She tapped her chin like she was deep in thought. “Yet you watched enough to understand that when the patriarch dies, there can be plenty left behind to dole out.” She narrowed her eyes. “I’ve moved on, Lawson. Thank you for coming, but you need to go.”

With all the brothers focused on him, Lawson squirmed. Well, if that wasn’t telling. “This isn’t TV. I’m not in a Western.”

I crossed my arms, ready to enforce her wishes if Lawson insisted on staying. She seemed to want this confrontation over with and to move on. Aggie wasn’t one to dwell on drama, and I was glad to be on her side for this one.

“Okay. All right, then.” Lawson smacked his lips, anger turning his gaze into a blue flame drifting between her and me. “I can see why he’s gotta get paid before he settles for you.”

Cody and Wilder flanked Lawson, but I got to him first, gripping his coat and spinning him. No one made her feel like shit and got away with it. Fucking no one.

“You get the hell outa here.” I reached around her ex and whipped the door open, nearly taking out his nose. “You ever talk to her like that again, I’ll shove my boot so far up your ass you’re going to be tasting leather for eternity.”

I pushed Lawson out the door and followed him out to make sure he got in his car and didn’t tap the brake until he hit the hiding place he called a home.

“Fuck,” Wilder muttered behind me. I glanced over my shoulder. Cody, Eliot, and Austen were on Wilder’s heels. I couldn’t see Aggie behind them, but I knew she was there. She didn’t hide like this pest.

Snowflakes swirled at my feet, but I barely noticed the bitter wind while I prowled in front of Lawson’s Lexus. I kept at it until he backed out and spit gravel as he peeled away.

“Motherfucker,” I growled. “I’m going to chase him out of the state with my truck.”