Aggie rode me, her lush hips working up and down my length. After the first time tonight, we lay in her perpetually unmade bed, and she told me about her visit to Buffalo Gully. It hadn’t been long before I was ready to go again, and since I hadn’t quit playing with her body since I’d pulled out, she’d been primed.
I’d wanted to drive into her soft body again, but she’d pushed me over and climbed on top. Far be it from me to argue.
She braced her hands on my chest and her hair fell over her eyes. She pushed it back and smoothed the strands down like she was self-conscious.
“Let them go,” I grunted, gripping her hips.
She rolled her eyes and kept riding me.
“I’m serious, Aggie. I’m going to fuck that polish right off you.”
“Try it.”
I flipped her, and the way she landed, her head was almost hanging off the bed. She let out a startled cry and then broke into laughter.
I was still inside her, loving her giggles, and kept pumping away. “I’m serious. You’re hiding in there.”
She gripped my shoulders like she was afraid to fall, but I wouldn’t let her. I just wanted to unlock her. The girl who used to stand in the saddle because she could. The girl who wasn’t afraid to trudge through the mud to tag a calf. The girl who was willing to defy expectations, marry young, and build a business with her new husband.
That girl sometimes felt buried farther inside her than I was. I angled my hips to drive up.
“I’m not—” She moaned. “Hiding.”
“Do chores with me in the morning.” I shortened my thrusts, just barely tapping the spot inside of her that drove her wild. “Wear nothing but your riding coat.”
She laughed again, rolling her hips, trying to get me to hit that special spot.
“Naked chores. They’re a thing.” I gritted my teeth against the way her body gripped me. I meant to tease her, but I might’ve caused my own downfall.
“It’s freezing out.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I work in the morning.”
“So do I.” I gave her one full pump, and she groaned.
“Fine—I’ll let the chickens out and get the eggs.”
“Nothing but a coat?”
“And boots.” Fuck, would she really do it? I could blow just picturing it. She dug her heels into my ass. “And a hat and gloves.”
“As long as this pussy is mine.” I put a thumb on her clit.
When she arched, I finished us both. Her body milked mine, stronger than ever. My release shook through me, and I growled her name.
Holding her to me, I righted us and curled my arms around her. Christ. This comfort and intimacy had been missing in my life since she’d walked out.
She danced her fingers over my wrist. “Why are naked chores so important?”
“You’re uptight.” She tensed, and I squeezed my arms around her. “You never used to be.”
“I matured. Is that a bad thing?”
I kissed the shell of her ear. “No, but I feel like you think the immature Aggie was a bad thing.”
Her breathing was steady, if a little quick, from the recent orgasm. “I do,” she finally said. “Immature Aggie was brash when she felt ignored, then she switched to compliance. She was content to have what others let her have. Mature Aggie finished college in three years with a rambunctious puppy everyone told me I should give away. Mature Aggie didn’t let guys decide her future. Mature Aggie has a mature job that helps fund something I really want to do in my life.”