Page 52 of A Reckless Memory

Each step he took, I rocked against his erection.

“You keep bouncing against my dick like that, we’re not going to make it to the bed.”

“I don’t care.”

“Fuck.” He swept into my room, kicking the door shut behind him, blocking out the sound of Tex’s claws on the floor. “Now we’re alone.” His gaze swept the room. “Still don’t make your bed?”

“Still don’t see a point.”

He grinned and laid me down. “Get this top off.” He shoved the hem up, and while I struggled to get it over my head, he was sucking a nipple into his mouth. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off me. A heady experience.

“You’re still dressed.”

“Mm-hmm.” Unbothered, he continued nibbling and licking from one side to the other. My nerves were alive, tingling, dancing against his touch. Pulling away, he smacked his lips. “You want to do something ’bout that?”

I sat at the edge of the bed, and he stood while I unbuttoned his shirt. Undressing him was better than unwrapping a Christmas present I’d been waiting years for. I pushed his shirt off, stroking my hands over shoulders more muscular than I remembered. He was the same but different, just like me, and that was what brought us back together. Once the material reached his fingertips, he tossed it on the floor.

I feathered my fingers over the tan lines ringing his arms and the base of his neck and the tiny mole right over his heart, partially hidden by the scattering of dark chest hair. I followed the trail of hair to his jeans and worked his waistband open, my pulse kicking up with the flick of the button and the undoing of the zipper.

Catching his dark gaze, I tugged his waistband down, leaving his underwear in place—for now. That look. His fathomless yet hungry stare had kept me from listening to the critiques of my exes. Maybe I’d filled out, and it wasn’t with muscle, but I’d once had a man look at me like this while I was naked—and that was before the highlights and the lotions and the shopping consult. And that man’s gaze continued to burn into me until I thought the sheets would combust.

Taking my time, I eased his boxer briefs over his erection. I hadn’t imagined how nice his cock was. My brain hadn’t made it out to be better than it had really been. Long, thick, and veined in a way that spelled pure magic.

He made a choking noise. “Keep lookin’ like you want to eat it, and I’m goin’ to make a mess of this.”

I lifted my hand to run my fingers over his length, loving the way his cock jumped at my touch. I did this to him.

He caught my wrist. “Uh-huh. If your lookin’ almost does me in...” He pushed me to my back and stretched out over me.

This. I missed so much, but definitely this.

I brushed my fingertips over his face and along his square chin and spread my legs. He prodded my entrance.

He blinked and froze. “Shit. Shit. I don’t have any condoms.” He held his hips back like I had a restraining order for his erection. “After what happened, I’ve been firmly in the abstinence lane.”

Not having sex when we were this close would be a damn shame, but I also believed him. We’d been honest up to this point about the years between our last time together. “No, it’s fine. I mean, you said you got tested and I... Same.” I caught my lower lip between my teeth. “It’s been a long while, and I’m still on birth control.”

He ran his knuckles over my cheek. “I never thought I’d get this again, Aggie.” He kicked a leg out to spread mine wider. “Feeling you pulse around my dick.”

When the broad tip of his erection pushed in, I let out a whining whimper, a wordless demand.

“Fuck, that’s it. That sound. And when I do this.” He shoved all the way in, filling me and pausing to give me a moment to adjust. My breath hitched, almost a gasp. “That fucking noise. I think about it every time I have my dick in my fist.”

He rolled his hips, and I had to let another moan escape. It only added to the intensity. Determination lined his jaw, and I knew I was coming again before he let himself finish.

His mouth and hands were everywhere. I could only hang on to him for the ride. I arched to meet every thrust, another storm building inside me, ready to rage, but when he slipped his hand between us, I was done.

“Oh god, Ansen.”

He punched his hips in. “Louder, baby.”


His growl was it. I loved the noises he made too. This wasn’t fake. The chemistry hadn’t been an act then and it wasn’t now. Later, I’d decide what to do with the knowledge.

* * *
