Thursday 4.30pm

Charlie woke first, the little spoon against Tom’s much bigger spoon. It felt comfortable, even with his sore ribs. Charlie could feel Tom breathing against him and thought he could drift off again if it wasn’t for his need to know what, if anything, Ravensbourne had found. It was still light outside, and he struggled to look at the bedside table and his phone for the time. Only half past four. He could stay cuddled up to Tom for a bit longer. He could let himself imagine a repeat of sex with Tom, and more time spent listening to Tom talk about art. He still thought Tom was way out of his league, but a man could dream. And dream he did, feeling Tom’s warmth against his skin, until he couldn’t put off thinking about the murder, and the briefing for any longer.

Possibly no one would ever know whether Kaylan or Vitruvious had instigated the scheme, but both of them had deprived Rico of food and drink until he died. The pictures proved that Vitruvious at least, had done it knowingly.

Charlie looked at his phone again. It was coming up to five, and the briefing was at six. Would Dilys mind if he made some sandwiches? Probably not. He began to wriggle out from under the duvet, which was enough to wake Tom.

“Stay there,” Charlie said, “I’m going to forage for a pot of tea and some sandwiches.”

Tom smiled, as he always did, and sat up showing a chest covered with black hair, and those delicate tattoos covering both arms. Charlie still wanted to study them, but now wasn’t the time.

“One-handed sandwich making?” Tom asked. “I don’t think so. You stay here, and I’ll go. You need to take your antibiotics, and I’ll find some painkillers. Don’t argue.”

Charlie could have argued, but he decided not to. He ached, and the bed was soft and warm. Next time, if there was a next time, he could pay Tom back.

“Thank you,” he said, “for everything.”

Tom leaned over and kissed him. “Anytime,” he said, as if he meant it.

Five minutes later, Charlie decided that crumbs in the bed was hardly fair on his landlady, even for the pleasure of another doze, so he got up and struggled into clean jeans, putting a hoodie round his neck for Tom to help him into. He walked barefoot into the kitchen to find Tom and Dilys assembling a tray of tea, sandwiches and cake. Dilys looked at his bandages with sympathy.

“Go in the lounge, sweethearts, and I'll bring the grub in,” she said, and ignored the way Charlie blushed bright red. Tom followed him into the lounge and carefully helped him into the hoodie.

“Will you be warm enough?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine,” Charlie said, not knowing whether to object to the mollycoddling, or simply enjoy it. “We’re meeting at the police station, and even the biggest room is tiny. I’m more likely to be too hot than too cold.”

They drank tea and ate sandwiches and cake, Dilys joining them. It was peaceful and domestic, a far cry from the last few days. Could it be that the end of the nightmare of the last week was in sight?

As they finished eating, the front door opened and there was a cheerful cry of “Only me, Aunty D!” Eddy put his head round the door. He looked at Charlie. “Car’s outside. Transport to the briefing for injured officers.”

“Do you mind if I walk?” Charlie said. “Because it’s less painful than bending over to get in a car.”

“I’ll walk round with you,” Tom said, earning himself a nasty look from Eddy.

“Fine,” Eddy said, and left without another word.

“Green-eyed monster?” Dilys asked. Tom went pink and Charlie shrugged. Then wished he hadn’t as his ribs protested.

“It was thoughtful of him to come and see if I wanted a lift,” Charlie said. “I’m sorry to upset him.”

“He’s a big boy,” Dilys said, and started to clear the tea things.

Tom helped Charlie with his shoes and coat, and held him gently before they left the house.

“I don’t want to kiss you in front of your colleagues,” he said, “but I do want to kiss you. Afterwards I’d like to repeat my invitation to dinner.”

“And etchings?” Charlie asked.

“Etchings can be provided.”

The kiss was deep and tender, and if the circumstances had been different would probably have led back upstairs. But the circumstances were as they were.

They walked back towards the police station and parted when it came into sight.

“I’ll ring you,” Tom said.

Charlie hoped he would, that he wouldn’t regret what had happened when he was back in his beautiful office and Charlie was back in his tatty police station.