They took turns driving their cocks down her throat until she was crying and gagging, but nothing stopped her from doing it again. Her face was a mess, and tears soaked her t-shirt. And then they ordered her to wipe her tears with their cocks.

She would never be able to explain the reverence, the sheer act of worship, that holding their cocks against her tears gave her. Her heart swelled, and she cried from an overflow of emotion. And in turn, they touched her hair, her cheeks, and her lips, murmuring how perfect she was.

She obediently allowed herself to be carried to a bench in the room. But the instant she heard Ezra’s belt as he cracked the leather together, a new fear discharged in her.

Trembling already, she clenched her fists and dug them into the leather of the bench. She was positioned on her knees with her backside in the air.

Her eyes scrunched closed. Her body tensed up. The first strike of Ezra’s belt landed with a thud against her flesh. It took her receptors moments to realize what had happened to her, and by the time the pain registered, Ezra was already delivering his second lashing.

Scorching, hot pain burst across her skin and spread into her nerves. Tears gathered behind her closed eyes. Ezra layered his belt into her, strike after strike, turning her into an erupting volcano and her pain into a tsunami of torment.

Wetness slid down her thighs; her nipples were so sensitive that every breath she took made them ache even more. Heaving, panting, and hissing through the sting only made her tribulations more animated.

But somewhere on some sphere, the blinding intensity changed who she was. She became in tune with everything around her, from the threads in the carpet she could see from her position to the shadow of light in her peripheral vision. And then everything dispersed. All that was left was them.




“Please,” she said softly. “Please, please, please.”

“Fuck.” Ezra threw his belt aside, then dipped his fingers into her saturated pussy. He scooped up a palm full of wetness. She could hear him coat his cock with it.

Jensen placed a hand on her lower back, and with his other, he reached around and rubbed her clit. A deluge of liquid arousal dripped from her folds. Maxim came around to her. He slid his hand into her hair and captured her lips, kissing her so softly that she forgot what was going to happen to her.

And then she felt it.

The thick, broad, silky head of Ezra’s shaft brushed against the tight rings of her bottom hole.

She wasn’t ready. She squirmed, trying to escape, and failed. Ezra penetrated her, pushing past her body’s unwavering hold to keep him out. Deeper than she was made to stretch, threatening to break her with his colossal size.

Maxim bit her lip. Jensen squeezed her clit. Their erotic torture of her body destroyed her.

She screamed into Maxim’s mouth, trying to climb onto him. He was the only one she could reach. Shaken off her axis, her body a myriad of franticness, Sutton gasped for air, certain she was never going to be the same again.

Jensen released her, but that gave Ezra the opportunity to pull her back against his chest.

He had lowered himself onto the bench, and now they both straddled it. He wrapped an arm around her waist, but she remained relentlessly rigid, afraid to move with Ezra’s cock inside her, knowing if she did, she would re-experience his bouldering thrust inside her. And yet, her pussy dripped nonstop. Her nipples were twice their size.

Jensen moved in to straddle the bench, facing her. He caressed her pussy, dipping inside and then moving around her so she could hear the swoosh of her wetness. How was it possible she could be so aroused yet so afraid?

“Little Flower,” Ezra whispered in her ear. Jensen kept her pussy lips open so Ezra could reach down and soak his hand with her wetness. He then pulled his cock from her ass, just an inch, and she growled uncharacteristically. She didn’t need to be able to see behind her to know he had poured her juices over his cock.

She cried out as Ezra drove into her again. To the hilt.

“She’s so, so, so fucking perfect,” Maxim said, then let her hold onto his cock.

Oh god. They were killing her.

She swayed from side to side, her hold on Maxim’s cock desperate and unyielding. Jensen slipped two digits into her core and twisted his fingers upward, rubbing against the textures of her walls. He pressed against her belly, and with the fullness of Ezra in her ass, he unleashed a frenzy inside her.

No. No. No.

She grabbed his wrist to stop him. She tried to pull away from Ezra. She was going to embarrass herself.

Oh god, help her.