She couldn’t breathe. His nearness erupted every image of what he had done to her in the dungeon beneath their house into her head. The wetness in her panties intensified. Her breasts started to ache. She was drawn to Ezra like a moth to a flame. Stupidly. His entire aura screamed danger, but she couldn’t stop herself.
Please no.
“Do I know you?” he asked, close to her ear, softly, but his voice loomed with deadly power. She shook her head repeatedly, denying that he knew her in any shape or form. Her eyes filled with tears, and she prayed they wouldn’t spill onto her cheeks if she blinked.
Ezra straightened and then looked her dead in the eye.
“What happened to your face?”
Oh god, help her.
“I… I walked into the side of a… of a door. By mistake.” Her voice sounded raspy, shaky, and pathetic.
He stepped away from her and opened the doors. Her legs felt like lead, her heart pounding so loudly that she felt off balance as she stepped out of the car blindly, carrying the weight of his gaze on her before the doors closed again.
She found the nearest bathroom, slipped into a stall, flipped the lid of the toilet, then sat there, bent over as she hyperventilated.
After a few moments, she stood and patted down her hair. There was no way he could possibly know it was her.
He couldn’t. He didn’t.
The only reason he asked was because he didn’t know her. He didn’t know she worked at their company, and why should he? She was a nobody.
If he suspected anything, he wouldn’t have let her go.
She was still okay. And she still had a job to do.
The package she had to collect from the third floor turned out to be a box filled with documents. The quicker she got to her office, the safer she would be, so wasting no time chatting with the overly friendly PA, Sutton made a beeline for the elevator yet again.
She wouldn’t be able to explain what happened next in coherent words, except to say her luck had started to run out.
Her gaze collided with Jensen Flynn. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air. He now stood between her and the elevator in the empty, plushly decorated corridor of Basilisk Industries on the third floor.
In a desperate, panicked move, she started to back away, her knuckles turning white from the way she clutched the handholds on the sides of the box. Except she didn’t move backward in a straight line. She could barely think properly.
She knew she was going to fall over and smash her head against the marble tiles when there was no longer a floor under her shoes.
She had reached the set of steps that led to the elevator from the reception area.
In her attempt to save herself, the box flew out of her hands, but it was too late. She was already a victim of gravity.
But she never made it to the other end.
A strong, muscular arm wrapped around her waist and brought her forward, only for her to slam against his rock-hard chest. Images of her tarnishing their pristine suits with the milk from her breasts flashed through her mind.
She whimpered, and her womb tugged with butterflies when she remembered how Jensen had penetrated her with his fingers, then rubbed her virgin blood on his cock before he entered her with the entirety of his heavy, thick shaft.
While his one arm was curled around her waist, he used the fingertips of his other hand and laid them against the side of her throat. She could feel the violent tremors of her pulse rippling under her skin at the touch of his calloused fingers.
No. No. No.
She pushed away from him immediately, apologizing softly under her breath.
“You all right there?” he asked, touching her cheek, making her wince. The pain medication had worn off, and she needed another dose to stop the throbbing on her face.
Her whole world was possibly coming down on her, but every cell in her body melted. She couldn’t help but be awestruck by Jensen’s extraordinary and stunning good looks. She wanted to crawl into his arms and tell him her darkest secret. Everything in life scared her. She was running on fear, and she was tired of pretending otherwise.
“I’m fine, thank you,” she said as she bent to retrieve the documents that had been scattered all around them. He bent down to help her as well. Too close. On her haunches, her skirt rode up to well above her knees, and fire glittered on her skin as his gaze slid over her.