It’s okay.
She was going to be okay. She just needed to get home.
Panting heavily, she kept looking in her rearview mirror to see if anyone was following her. And every minute that went by ensured she was nearer to getting home and further away from being caught.
Once in her apartment, she bolted her door and then pushed an old cabinet against it as well.
She walked backward, looking at the door, feeling jittery at the sound of her own harsh breaths, imagining it was the burly, horrible man breaking her door down. Or, worse, the three billionaires themselves.
In the safety of her home, everything they had done to her returned to her mind in vivid detail.
Her adrenaline had kept her discomfort aside, but now she was immersed in every sensation that ranged from darkly pleasurable to wickedly painful.
Her pussy started to ache as she remembered them stretching her to fit their cocks, making her come so she was wetter for their penetration.
They had taken her virginity.
She had bled for them.
And they had emptied their cocks over her pussy.
Her breasts started to leak and soaked her dress.
Dear god.
The brand…. They had branded her.
No. She couldn’t afford to go down that mental route now. She had to think logically and strategically.
First, she had to take a shower, which she did mechanically. The insurmountable amount of willpower it required not to remember the places they had touched her when she lathered herself up drained her.
Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at herself. Her face had swollen where she had been hit with the butt of a gun. It throbbed so much that she might have to take a painkiller for it. She looked at her naked body next. Her breasts had never looked that heavy and full before. She was grateful she had stopped leaking because she really didn’t want to experience the scalding pain when her breasts got too full with milk. How had their herbs made her do that when she wasn’t even pregnant?
Her gaze dropped to her pussy. She couldn’t make out the exact pattern of what they had branded on her. It was just red and raw. After patting it dry, she used the salve she had taken and applied a generous covering over the burn.
She had no idea how many times to use it or how much, but it didn’t matter. She had escaped. Everything else was going to be okay.
Donning a light sleep shirt, she climbed into her bed and lay there with the lights off, pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but then immediately becoming aware of the soreness in her breasts and her core.
Oh, god, they had taken her virginity. They thought she was someone else.
She didn’t know what to do.
The ringing of her phone, still in her purse on her dresser, threw her back to reality with a thud. She hadn’t even checked her phone.
“Tammy,” she said when she answered it, getting back into the bed.
“Sutton, where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you forever.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I finally think I’m going to kick this flu in the butt. But that’s not why I called. I want to tell you not to worry about the package not being delivered. I called Moira, and she said it was fine.Not to worry about it.So no, I’m not going to lose my job. Whew. And you can stop worrying about it now. Okay?”
The package.
That was why she had gone to their house, thinking she was doing damage control by acting promptly, when instead, something entirely out of this world had happened to her.
“Sutton? Are you there? Did you hear me?”